From the course: Management Tips

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How to make meetings more effective

How to make meetings more effective

From the course: Management Tips

How to make meetings more effective

- I think most of you would agree that meetings can be painful. They're a necessary evil but they don't have to be painful. In fact, we know a lot about how to make meetings far more positive and useful. I'd like to share a few tips that will help you make that happen where you work. The first tip may be the most important. Have fewer meetings. Seriously, at least one-third of the meetings you attend are not needed. They are just on the books because well, we meet every week right? Listen, not all decisions require group decision making. Reserve actual meeting time for the discussion of larger decisions and very important work conversations that really do require group input. If you're a manager, consciously choose to reduce meeting time for anything that looks routine or of lesser importance. Next, invite fewer people. Very often we have too many players present. This happens when people are trying to be too nice, too inclusive and too political, and it seriously hampers progress…
