From the course: Management Tips

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How to deliver an effective presentation

How to deliver an effective presentation

From the course: Management Tips

How to deliver an effective presentation

- Let's talk about what it means to have engaging presentation delivery skills. Now, before we begin, here are my assumptions: you're an expert on your topic, you're prepared for your presentation, and you understand the basic structure of a decent presentation. Okay, even if all of those are true, you can still have a lackluster presentation if you don't know how to deliver. Let me give you a few tips that can help. First, know your audience. Every audience is different. So how you craft your message should reflect the way they need to hear it. Think about executives versus office employees, teacher, people who work in a warehouse, or maybe engineers. They're all different. Here's the secret: for any given group, think about the lingo and jargon the group uses, the examples that would be relevant to them, and the level of detail you should use. Just as one example, consider executives. They want to hear common jargon from the business world, examples from industry, if not their…
