From the course: Management Tips

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Getting your team unstuck

Getting your team unstuck

From the course: Management Tips

Getting your team unstuck

Even for great teams, performance, waxes and wanes. That's normal. You don't have to worry about normal variance. But you should be concerned if you see abnormal amounts of poor performance. Your first order of business is to assume you don't knwo why this is happening. Instead of assuming, you're going to start the conversations that will allow you to get to the bottom of things, to find the root cause. It's possible there is one specific issue causing the performance deviance you've noticed. Maybe some new policy is affecting productivity or maybe a member of the team, is causing a conflict you're not yet aware of. Assuming there is no simple answer, your next challenge is to start mixing things up to probe the team back the higher performing territory. Try these three classic tips. Adopt a 70% rule. When progress has slowed and the decisions need to be made, adopting a mutually agreed-upon decision rule can often speed things up. Sometimes you must poke people to speak up, and make…
