From the course: Management Tips

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Effective ways to grab input

Effective ways to grab input

From the course: Management Tips

Effective ways to grab input

- If you're an enlightened leader, you know that you often need input from your team. But, oddly enough, it can be harder than you think to actually get input when you ask for it. Whether you're sending out an electronic message or asking directly in a meeting, sometimes your request is just met by silence. You see, when you ask someone to share thoughts well, you may have inadvertently created a burden. People are busy, and don't want to take the time to speak up. Others might fear that by engaging you they will accidentally create work for themselves. And, of course, many simply fear that what they wish to share isn't what you wish to hear. Let me offer a few tips that will help you get the input and engagement you desire. First, consider a new approach to meeting management. Typically, as the boss, you direct things and speak a lot. Try flipping that. Let them own the process, including running the agenda. Let them be the first to speak while you nod and take a few notes. Let them…
