From the course: Management Tips

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Discovering the problem with teams

Discovering the problem with teams

From the course: Management Tips

Discovering the problem with teams

For decades, corporations and leaders have had a love affair with teams. If there's work to be done the answer is, assemble a team. And there are many clear benefits associated with using teams. Good task coordination, the ability to have a broad array of skills, and the opportunity to create synergies that allow the team to be greater than the sum of its parts. However, it's also true that teams present a few unexpected realities that are as positive and productive. Even if you assume you have the right players on the team and clearly define roles, that doesn't mean you'll be as successful as you want to be. I want you to watch for these factors that can make your team unproductive. The first is coordination costs. The simple act of putting a team together means that you have to help people understand their role and how they relate to everyone else on the team. This means conversations, telephone calls, written instructions, teleconferences, texts, you name it. Sometimes this leads…
