From the course: Management Tips

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Cultivating future leaders

Cultivating future leaders

From the course: Management Tips

Cultivating future leaders

Great leadership is about serving both short term and long term needs. Interestingly, the very nature of living right here and now biases us towards thinking a little too much about our short term needs. One sometimes neglected long term goal that is vitally important is cultivating future leaders. You can develop your leadership pipeline by hiring new people instead of building talent internally. This can be a great choice. But it should represent a smaller portion of your strategy. If you go external too often, everyone inside will lose faith in the possibility of advancing. So, let's talk about cultivating talent internally. Whether the organization is huge and very formal or smaller and less rigid, the basics are the same. There are four main steps to follow in order to develop a healthy leadership pipeline. First, identify the best talent in the organization. Depending on your needs, this might be highly formal and data-driven, or it might simply require a few candid…
