From the course: Management Tips

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Creating a lasting first impression

Creating a lasting first impression

From the course: Management Tips

Creating a lasting first impression

We all know that successful careers are predicated on great relationships. Maybe the most important part of any relationship is the beginning, when you have the opportunity to make a good first impression. I can't overemphasize how important initial impressions are. They become the lens through which the rest of the relationship is viewed. You never get the chance to make a second first impression. So let's talk about what it means to get it right. If you're meeting someone for the first time with a set appointment, be sure to be on time and prepared. If you don't nail these basics, it's amazing how quickly you can damage your reputation. Or maybe you're meeting someone new and it was unplanned. For example, say you see a collegue in public and they introduce you to their friend. In that case, if you want to create a comfortable, productive, and memorable first impression. Keep these tips in mind. First always maintain eye contact. Solid eye contact, shared among the people with whom…
