From the course: Management Tips

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Building self-awareness as a manager

Building self-awareness as a manager

From the course: Management Tips

Building self-awareness as a manager

- Mot people overestimate how well they know themselves. Our self-awareness suffers because we are biologically wired to feel decent about ourselves. Think about it. Deep critical self-evaluation isn't exactly fun anymore than sitting down for a performance review is fun, right? Maybe. But the truth is, great leaders definitely learn to build strong self-awareness. There are two big pieces to this puzzle, personal data, and feedback from others. Let's start with personal data. Here, you're seeking to understand a few basic things about yourself. Especially strengths and weaknesses. And your performance on core work tasks. You can make that happen two different ways. First, examine your performance over time. Think about last year, last quarter, and last week. Think through major tasks and projects. It's difficult, but strive to be honest and objective. You're looking for your trendline. Or how your average performance is moving along over time. Next, think about your relative…
