From the course: Management Tips

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Advocating for the unpopular

Advocating for the unpopular

From the course: Management Tips

Advocating for the unpopular

- Bad news, leadership can be very difficult. Once in a while, you will share things you can't wait to share, someone's promotion, a birthday celebration or how about an increase in next year's budget. These things are a joy to discuss. However, sometimes you have to do things at work you don't like. As a manager, you have to make decisions, sell them effectively and stand by them even when you know they will be very unpopular. That's just part of the job. For example, imagine these. A hiring freeze or pay freeze, layoffs, an executive unhappy with the team, big budget cuts, perks that are cut or how about a client who's completely upset with your team. Yes, these things happen. So what do you do about them? Well, as the boss, you can at least make these types of issues as pain-free as possible. To make that happen, remember these four key strategies. First, embrace transparency whenever it's reasonable to do so. You never want a big difficult decision or change to surprise your team.…
