From the course: Learning Design Thinking: Lead Change in Your Organization

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Managing creative flow

Managing creative flow

- Creative flow is about achieving the mental space for creative thinking. However, not everybody gets into the flow in the same way, and it could be particularly challenging when you have people who use your product, or stakeholders from other parts of the business collaborating with you who may not be as comfortable with ambiguity as you and your team. Much of what we call design thinking is about having a set of methods and approaches that help people get into the creative flow, a mental space that's both active and tranquil. This state of mind allows for new idea generation, provocative thinking, and the confidence to offer an untested or unusual idea. When you're bringing others together to collaborate with you, you need strategies to help keep them focused on small enough asks that they don't get lost in the big picture, and with the safety to offer untested ideas. So, facilitation skills are key, but I find one of the most effective methods for getting teams into flow is…
