From the course: Inclusive Leadership (2022)

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Pitfalls to avoid

Pitfalls to avoid

- Ever dreaded going to work because of a boss? Remember feeling stressed about your upcoming performance review? Have you ever worked for someone and rarely or never received feedback, ever go the extra mile to get a project completed with success only for it to go unrecognized? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, chances are you were or are working under a poor leader. And as I reflect, the most common request that I get comes from clients wanting me to conduct coaching and training sessions on the basics of how to lead people. In training sessions that I conduct with employees, I ask them to raise their hands if they have ever worked for a poor leader, and 100% of the hands go up. So why do we have so many bad bosses and poor leaders? What do they do that causes workers to shut down, stress out, or leave all together? Based on my experience, here are seven of the most common pitfalls that leaders need to…
