From the course: Inclusive Leadership (2022)

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Engagement, satisfaction, and team performance

Engagement, satisfaction, and team performance

From the course: Inclusive Leadership (2022)

Engagement, satisfaction, and team performance

- I have a confession to make, I've been one of those employees who became disengaged, disconnected, and dissatisfied. I couldn't stand working for my boss, I dreaded going to work, and the work environment was so toxic that it affected my creativity, my productivity, and my attitude. It happened because I was working for someone who was not inclusive, someone who marginalized my efforts, and would undermine my credibility, yet took credit for my results. She provided no feedback and no guidance, and it took me leaving that department in order to reengage and become productive and happy again. Have you ever been there? Unfortunately, my story is not uncommon, more and more companies realize that they must focus on developing inclusive leaders because they have a direct link to employee engagement, job satisfaction, and team performance, which has a direct impact to the bottom line. So let's look at each of these…
