From the course: Excel: Data Storytelling for Beginners

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Highlighting key data points with conditional formatting

Highlighting key data points with conditional formatting - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Data Storytelling for Beginners

Highlighting key data points with conditional formatting

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're going to use conditional formatting to highlight key points in time for certain status activities. To do that, let's go ahead and click into our dataset. Then we're going to go to the Insert tab and we're going to click Pivot Table. All looks good, so let's go ahead and hit OK. Now, the first thing we're going to do is we're going to take this date field and we're going to drop it into our rows. You're going to see this is actually going to start with a series of groups, but what we really want to do is understand how these status updates happen over months. So we can take the years here and toss it back into the pivot table fields list. We will do the same with quarters like that, so now we have a list of months. Next, what we can do is we can take status and we can drop that into the columns field. Now let's understand the count of all of these activities. So what I'm going to do is…
