From the course: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

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Determine your criteria

Determine your criteria

- Every single academic quarter, I see the same thing happen and every time I shake my head just a little bit. In my management class, I teach a whole week devoted to decision-making. On day one, we go over decision-making, we identify that structure is needed for good decisions and I emphasize how outlining the criteria for positive solutions is of primary importance. I say several times, the main thing you want to do is figure out how you're going to know if you've made a good decision. I then put the students in their groups, give them the problem to solve and watch them completely ignore everything I've said. Sure, there are a few that have listened and they're the ones who generally come up with a better solution. But for the most part, everyone ignores their criteria step and goes straight to the problem solving step. So, I'll tell you what I remind my students. The only way you can be sure your decision is good,…
