From the course: Advanced Terraform

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Terraform remote state overview

Terraform remote state overview - Terraform Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Terraform

Terraform remote state overview

- [Instructor] Using Terraform in a real world situation is very much like developing software. It's a team effort. Typically, operations teams have multiple Terraform users. Those users contribute to and deploy Terraform configurations. Multiple users work on the same configuration at the same time. Terraform supports a collaborative workflow through its remote state feature. When a Terraform operator runs Terraform Apply, it creates two files, one for lock and one for state. The lock file is used by Terraform to prevent two instances of the Terraform CLI from executing an apply operation simultaneously. The two apply operations would overlap, creating an unknown state in the target provider. The state file provides Terraform with a mapping between the representation of the resources in the configuration and the actual resources that are deployed. By default, these files are stored locally in the root folder of the…
