Edit your published articles on LinkedIn

Last updated: 1 year ago

Important to know

This feature is not available on the LinkedIn mobile app.

All members and admins (super admins or content admins of a LinkedIn Page) have the ability to publish articles about their expertise and interests. Articles are displayed in the Activity section of your profile. You can edit an article even after it's published.

To edit your article:
  1. Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Under Manage click Post & Activity.

  3. Click on the Articles tab.

  4. Click the More icon on the right of the article you want to edit and select Edit article.

  5. Click into the text to make your changes.
  6. Click Update near the upper right and follow prompts to publish article.

  • Your connections won't be notified when you update your article, and there won't be an indication that the article has been edited. Once your edits have been saved, the original version of the article will no longer be available.
  • It isn't possible to undo image deletions. If you've deleted an image by accident, you'll need to re-upload the image.
  • You can also ‘@’ mention a LinkedIn Page or another member while editing an article. The mentioned member/page will be notified of the mention and their profile/page will be displayed when someone moves their cursor over the hyperlink. 

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