Marketing Developer Platform Changes | January 2021

Campaign Management

New optimization target to maximize reach 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Supply Forecasts and adCampaignsV2 APIs to create new campaigns optimizing for unique members 
  • What’s happening: A new optimization target (MAX_REACH) will be available under the Brand Awareness objective that aims to maximize the number of unique members reached. The new OptimizationTargetType is usable specifically for the Brand Awareness objective and a new metric type (Reach & Reach per Million Impressions) under forecasting to show predicted number of new members reached, as well as the frequency they see an ad. Learn more


Returning Organization Urn in AdTargetingEntities API school typeahead results

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the AdTargetingEntities API to identify targeting school segments using the typeahead finder
  • What’s happening: Starting March 1, 2021, we return an Organization Urn (E.g.:urn:li:organization:1646 for Harvard University) in place of a School Urn (E.g.:urn:li:school:18483 for Harvard University). No schema change is involved. The only change is the entity type and ID of each urn. To convert a saved school urn to an organization urn, call the Find Entities by Typeahead finder with the same school entity name to get the corresponding organization urn. Learn more

[reminder] New API rate limits for DMP streaming

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the DMP streaming API 
  • What’s happening: Starting March 31, 2021, we will be introducing granular rate limits for our DMP streaming APIs (Users & Companies) to prevent abuse, ensure service stability, and consistent API availability. These limits will be enforced in addition to your current daily limits, which can be found through Developer Portal > My Apps > App > Analytics > Quotas and usage.
  • What does this mean for my application?  If your application calls /dmpSegments/users or /dmpSegments/companies, you may get a HTTP 429 response if calling the endpoints too frequently, indicating that you are exceeding the rate limits.
  • How do I handle API calls that are throttled? Your application should be catching errors when making calls to /dmpSegment/users and /dmpSegment/companies and retry after a minimum of 1 second whenever you receive an HTTP 429 response.
  • Can I get the limits increased for my application? No, the limits we intend to enforce will not be customizable at an application level. However the limits will be enforced such that there is minimal interruption to existing applications. 
  • My application creates a significant amount of automated API calls (eg. one time full data dump or weekly data pushes with large volumes followed by smaller traffic that contains diffs throughout the week). Will this rate limit affect my throughput ?  If the volume of your automated traffic exceeds tens of millions, then you can expect to see frequent throttling. While this might affect the throughput of your API calls, you will not see any differences in the matched audience processing SLA.

Breaking Changes

[reminder] New API call length requirements 

  • Who’s impacted: All partners 
  • What’s happening: To improve our network infrastructure and API traffic, we now require all API calls to meet the new length requirements. Requests exceeding the new length requirements will be rejected. To avoid calls being rejected, we recommend using query tunneling. See migration guide here
  • When: Starting March 31, 2021, we will reject calls that do not meet the new requirements. 

[reminder] New API rate limits for DMP streaming 

  • Who’s impacted:  Partners using the DMP streaming API 
  • What’s happening: See Audiences section above 
  • When: Starting March 31, 2021, we will be introducing granular rate limits for our DMP streaming APIs.