"The song is about this weird effect that happens in Glasgow, Scotland. There are a lot of chemical treatment plants that emit a weird mist that when combined with ambient light creates weird illusions. Many Glaswegians report seeing spaceships and UFO's in the fog. Some report abductions. This song is basically the writer begging to be taken somewhere nice by the aliens because he's sick of where he is."
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"The song is about this weird effect that happens in Glasgow, Scotland. There are a lot of chemical treatment plants that emit a weird mist that… read more
"The song is about this weird effect that happens in Glasgow, Scotland. There are a lot of chemical treatment plants that emit a weird mist that when combined with ambient light cre… read more
Mogwai is a band from Glasgow, Scotland formed in 1995. They compose lengthy, mostly instrumental guitar-based pieces in the style of post-rock, usually focused around the elaboration of a single theme, and are known traditionally for their quiet/loud dynamic, defined bass riffs, and an eminent ambient sound, sometimes dark and sometimes grand. Although frequently referred to as post-rock, the band have revealed in interviews that they despise this categorization, insisting that their sound bears little resemblance to pioneers of the genre, such as Tortoise. The band were originall… read more
Mogwai is a band from Glasgow, Scotland formed in 1995. They compose lengthy, mostly instrumental guitar-based pieces in the style of post-rock, usually focused around the elaboration of a … read more
Mogwai is a band from Glasgow, Scotland formed in 1995. They compose lengthy, mostly instrumental guitar-based pieces in the style of post-rock, usually focused around the elaboration of a single theme, and are known traditionally for … read more