
Gluesenkamp Perez, Kent move on to November general election for District 3

Incumbent Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, who came out of nowhere to edge a razor-thin win over Trump-endorsed Joe Kent in 2022, holds the lead after initial votes were released Tuesday night in the 2024 Washington Primary Election.

The top two candidates move on to the general election in November.

The Associated Press said incumbent Dem. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez and Rep. Joe Kent will move on to the general election in November.

The incumbent Congresswoman has raised a lot more money than her challengers, after flipping the seat to blue for the first time in 12 years.

Democrat Marie Gluesenkamp Perez released a long statement Tuesday night, saying her November opponent Joe Kent is “the same strange, angry, dangerous bonafide white nationalist I defeated last time.”

Joe Kent took to X Tuesday night, broadcasting a live statement where he said former President Donald Trump called him to congratulate him and to thank his team for their hard work during this election.

Jaime Hererra Beutler didn’t survive the primary in this district two years ago after voting for Trump’s impeachment.

Leslie Lewallen is the moderate Republican in the race—she’s a former King County prosecutor running against Joe Kent rather than Gluesenkamp Perez.

Additional in-depth coverage of the races can be found at kiro7.com/politics

Candidates for Congressional District 3

Candidate information below was provided by the candidates to the Washington Secretary of State. We have not altered/corrected what we have received from the SOS.

(in alphabetical order by last name)

Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D) - https://marieforcongress.com/

Elected Experience

Southwest Washington’s Representative in Congress since 2023. I serve on the Small Business and Agriculture committees where I work for family farmers, loggers, growers, and rural communities.

Other Professional Experience

Co-owner of Dean’s Car Care with my husband. We fix cars and create family wage jobs in the trades.


B.A. Economics, Reed College. I was homeschooled by my mom and dad, a lay pastor, before enrolling in public schools.

Community Service

Hillsboro High School Automotive Advisory Committee, Stevenson Downtown Association Treasurer, Underwood Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor.


Most members of Congress are millionaires completely out of touch with life in the real world. Almost none are like me: as the co-owner of an auto repair and machine shop, and a mother with a toddler in daycare, I know how tough it’s been to navigate this economy. My husband and I built our own home to save money and worry about the rising costs of gas and medicine.

Special interests have corrupted Washington. I’m not taking a dime of their corporate PAC money. I’m focused on what working people want, like good jobs that don’t require a college degree. More Washingtonians could work in the trades and in the woods if we expanded career training and apprenticeships.

I’m taking on President Biden for failing to secure the Southern border. I voted to add thousands of new Border Patrol agents and co-sponsored the bipartisan END FENTANYL law. I always vote to protect law enforcement.

I work closely with Republican colleagues and I’m ranked as one of the most bipartisan members of Congress. I attend Bible study to stay rooted and find common ground with Republicans. And I’m bringing home your tax dollars to replace the I-5 bridge – money that other candidates want you to pay in tolls.

In Congress, I’m protecting our freedoms, including ensuring a woman can see a doctor whenever she wants, for whatever reason, including contraception and IVF. I’m a staunch defender of the Second Amendment.

I fight everyday for Southwest Washington. I don’t listen to activists in Portland or Seattle who think they know best. I listen to the commonsense ideas I hear from you, at town hall meetings I hold in every county. I come home every weekend to be with family and go to church. I’d be honored to earn your vote.

Joe Kent (R) - https://www.joekentforcongress.com/

Elected Experience

No Information Submitted

Other Professional Experience

I served as an Army Green Beret for over 20 years through 11 combat deployments. I then worked for the CIA before advising President Trump on foreign and military policy and working as a tech firm project manager. I recently authored a book about my late wife who lost her life while serving in uniform.


Norwich University, B.S. in Strategic Studies and Defense Analysis. U.S. Army Special Forces Qualification Course. Eagle Scout.

Community Service

I deliver meals to veterans and volunteer at my church. I have trained and provided security services to churches and synagogues.


Democrat Marie Perez and I have big disagreements about local and national issues.

Perez believes the new I-5 bridge project should be funded by tolls that disproportionately penalize Washington residents. We pay more than enough in taxes already, and I will fight to ensure there are no tolls on the bridge project. Perez wants to accelerate the spread of Portland’s crime and drug problems into our district by spending billions on light rail connecting Portland to Southwest Washington. Like in Seattle and Portland, light rail cars will become mobile drug dens that spread Portland’s problems further into our district. I oppose any light rail project.

Perez voted against Republican legislation to secure the border, in favor of expanding welfare to illegal aliens. She sponsored legislation that gives anyone who crosses the border government benefits and permission to fly anywhere in the country. I’ll vote to bring back President Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy to stop fake asylum claims and provide robust border security.

Inflation has caused the price of food, gas, and other necessities to skyrocket, driven by the Federal Government’s spending spree that Marie has consistently voted for. I’ll vote to restore fiscal responsibility and get inflation back to pre-Biden levels.

Marie Perez supports taxpayer funding for late-term abortion. The Supreme Court has ruled this is a state issue, and I support keeping it that way. I support bringing the cost of raising children down by expanding tax deductions for working families and tax exemptions on necessities like diapers and formula.

I’m the father of two young children, and the direction Democrats Marie Perez and Joe Biden are taking this country is putting the future of all our children at risk. Help change that direction by voting for me so I can bring common-sense values to the US Congress.

Leslie Lewallen (R) - https://leslieforwashington.com/

Elected Experience

Camas City Councilor, Ward 3, Position No. 2

Other Professional Experience

City liaison to the Camas-Washougal Chamber of Commerce. City/Camas School District Liaison, Member of the Homelessness Strategy Subcommittee, Planning Committee and Downtown Camas Association Alternate Liaison for Camas City Council. Practiced as a judicial clerk for both the Washington State and Wisconsin Supreme Courts; and worked as a King County prosecutor prior to joining private practice.


Juris Doctorate, Seattle University School of Law; Bachelor of Arts Degree, Political Science, University of Washington

Community Service

Camas-Washougal Rotary, Voting Member of the Regional Transportation Commission, Legal Advisor, Dorothy Fox Safety Alliance


I’m a fifth-generation Washingtonian, wife, mom to four and attorney who was forced off of the sidelines because I saw the harmful effect COVID policies were having on my family and friends. In 2021, I ran for Camas City Council, won, and have been fighting to lower taxes, support our schools, and provide opportunities for small businesses to thrive. I’m running for Congress because today’s economy is hurting Southwest Washingtonians. I’ll fight every day to ensure you don’t have to choose whether to put food on your table or gas in your car. As your Representative, I’ll fight to secure the southern border and stop the drugs and crime that are hurting our communities. I will work to lower energy prices by protecting our dams and putting us back on the path to energy independence. I will address the homelessness crisis by tying funding to results-based programs. We cannot continue to waste taxpayer dollars on failed programs! As a mom with young children, I will work to pass legislation that encourages school choice and parental rights. Finally, our system of government has morphed from three branches to now include a fourth administrative branch of unelected bureaucrats who pass rules but aren’t subject to the will of the voters. It is time for Congress to take action to limit and reduce this unconstitutional fourth “branch” and I will proudly lead that effort! It takes a leader to know a leader, and I’m thankful for the broad range of endorsements I have received from both current and former Washington Statewide Officials, mayors, state representatives, council members, and local community and business leaders. Now is the time to elect transparent, accountable and effective leadership that honestly represents the voters and needs of Southwest Washington! I am that leader, and I intend to deliver!

John Saulie-Rohman (I) - https://www.saulierohmanforcongress.com/

Elected Experience

No Information Submitted

Other Professional Experience

I have held various roles over the past 12 years as a control room operator in the energy industry, gaining valuable insight into how the Bulk Electric System functions and the importance of well thought out legislative policies affecting our everyday lives.


BAS Energy Management Bismarck State University, Electronics Engineering Technology Columbia Gorge Community College

Community Service

Youth sports coach 10+ years


I am dedicated to uniting the American people, prioritizing the country before party politics, protecting civil liberties, and pledging allegiance to America, not any other nation. Our Congress is compromised. Lobbying and special interests inject billions of dollars to steer legislative policies in their favor, to the detriment of the American people. The atrocities unfolding every day before our eyes in Gaza have made very clear the power these campaign contributions have over our elected representatives. Millions of dollars are pouring into re-election campaigns in support of a foreign government, a disservice to our country and their oath. Our representatives readily commit our tax dollars and diplomatic support for the continuation of clear violations of international law. Our civil liberties are foundational to a thriving democracy and I will seek to protect those without compromise. I support investing in public education, allowing our educational professionals to teach our children to be independent critical thinkers and problem solvers. I support investing in our crumbling infrastructure which has been starved of vital funding through unsustainable tax cuts and loopholes enjoyed by large corporations, while we shoulder the true costs. I recognize and support the vital role of local, small businesses in our communities. I support a woman’s right to choose. I will seek diplomatic solutions to conflicts and work to stop the cycle of endless war. This is America first. This is putting people before politics. This is what a government “Of, By, and For The People” was intended to be. As an Independent, in a closely divided congress, my vote will be pivotal for all legislative efforts. I will always put my constituents and country first. I pledge to only accept individual contributions, ensuring my independence from special interests. Please visit my campaign website to learn how I will represent you.

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