Do Not Sell My Information

If you are a California resident, you have the right to opt out of the “sale” of your “personal information” under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”).

In general Wells Media does not sell (as “sell” is traditionally defined) your personal information.

When you use our sites or our apps, we and our advertising and analytics partners use cookies and similar information to improve and analyze our products and services and to tailor your content and advertising experiences. Under California law, sharing of such information for advertising purposes may be considered a “sale”.

Your information might be shared with sponsors or advertisers when you register for specific content on our sites. You will find clear notice on the registration form when this is the case.

More details on the categories of personal information that we “sell”, according to CCPA, can be found in our Privacy Policy.

If you are a resident of California and would like to request removal of your personal information, or exercise other rights under the CCPA please complete the form below. Or send an email with your full name, email addresses, state of residence to [email protected].

Fill out my online form.

Your privacy controls

If you wish to opt-out of interest-based advertising in desktop and mobile browsers, you may: