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IMDb member since December 2005
Heti Hetes (1999)
Sometimes quite entertaining, but most importantly today people can voice their criticism on politics.
12 December 2005 - 15 out of 22 users found this review helpful.
I am an impartial person when it comes to politics, And having said it this program is about giving some perspective to parties on both sides. Political life is brutal in Hungary, people take it far too seriously, and this program kinds of add a humorous edge to it. Highlighting gross mistakes being made by politicians from the peoples point of view. Sometimes it is very entertaining, István Váncsa has a sarcastic sense of humour, with András Hajós you never know what to expect,always has a twist in the way he gets to his points, and Tivadar Farkashazy is a very wise and down to earth person. The rest of the team is not so much of value, but at least this program makes people see how manipulative politics is.
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