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IMDb member since January 2016
M Cream (2014)
Excellent Movie!
26 January 2016 - 3 out of 9 users found this review helpful.
Caught this flick at the ICA in London! Really enjoyed it. The acting was first class and you just end up falling in love with Imaad Shah's swagger, Ira Dube's misplaced sense of propriety and the Himalayan expanse. That being said - older people or should I say people with old skool mindset might want to give this a skip! A lot of drugs, sex and bad language. Very unlike any Indian movie I've ever seen... Anyway, recommended to all the stoners out there! They really captured the beauty of places in Parvati Valley - the hash region in North India! Think I'll go down there myself to scope out the Cream. It really does look to be heaven on earth! PEace
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