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The Climax (1944)
I actually liked it...
26 December 2011
I understand that "The Climax" isn't necessarily a well received" movie among Boris Karloff fans. The plot isn't much, i'll admit that, and some of the musical number "particularly the one in which Jane Farrar was the prima donna) were quite painful. But Susanna Foster's voice saves the day. This movies is no "Phantom of the Opera", but it was fun to watch. The Technicolor was magnificent, and the set design was gorgeous. Turhan Bey was an alright leading man for Foster. But he didn't seem "strong" enough, I suppose. Boris Karloff is fantastic as a menacing figure, hovering over Foster in an aura of mystery and horror. The film isn't scary enough to be considered a horror film, but too ominous to be considered a musical. There isn't a real genre for it. But it's enjoyable to watch and I liked it. I'm a big Susanna Foster fan, so it was joy to hear her sing, and I'm becoming a Boris Karloff fan, after seeing "Frankenstein" and "The Climax".

So, all in all, "The Climax" is good enough, but it could be better.
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Top Man (1943)
Donald O'Connor, Peggy Ryan...And Susanna Foster?
16 November 2011
"Top Man" is a cute movie. Decent and fun. But it's definitely not up to par with some of the other Donald O'Connor-Peggy Ryan musicals, like "Mister Big" or "Patrick the Great". The songs and dances in "Top Man" are alright. I particularly liked the gypsy number done by O'Connor and Ryan at towards the end of the movie. And Susanna Foster gets some nice songs, too. It was also a joy to see Lillian Gish in a talkie, since I've only seen her in silents.

The only thing about this movie that bothers me is the cast. Yes, this sounds silly, since I was just praising the cast for their talent. And they are all very talented. But, take this for example. O'Connor was 17, and Ryan and Foster were 18. However, Foster looks as if she's in her 20's and sings like she's in her 30's. Thus, her being the love interest for O'Connor is a bit strange. Don't get me wrong. Foster has a gorgeous voice. In fact, she's one of my very favorite singers. But here's what I find very odd: The same year that "Top Man" was made (1943), Foster was in the lavish production of "The Phantom of the Opera", playing the lead, Chrstine. So, the same year Foster's in a very sophisticated and high class movie, they put her in a corny little teenage musical?

Anyways, "Top Man" is cute and all. But if you want some better O'Connor and Ryan, check out "Mister Big", "Patrick the Great", or "The Merry Monahans", where O'Connor has better love interests.
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You'd be better off with "Singin' in the Rain"
13 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I'e been a huge fan of "Singin' in the Rain" for quite some time now. I loved the songs, costumes, story, and actors in that one. I had heard of AAIP for a while, too. I've heard it was spectacular and decided to give it a whirl.

It's not the worst I've ever seen, oh no. But definitely one of the most disappointing movies I've seen.

First of all, Gene Kelly wasn't my favorite in SITR (I prefer Donald O'Connor). But I still thought he was alright. But he wasn't nearly as good in AAIP. His singing is okay here and there. But he doesn't do anything that makes me stare with wide eyes. I've always thought he was overrated. Not bad. But definitely overrated. And I didn't like his character much in this one, either. Also, his chemistry with Leslie Caron is not very believable, in my opinion.

Speaking of Leslie, this was her first film. So I understand how she might be uncomfortable. But, am I the only one who doesn't think she's that pretty in this one? I thought she was fabulous in "Gigi" (1958). She was gorgeous and very talented in that one. But this one, she was missing something. But it was fun to watch her dance on pointe.

Kelly's pal, Oscar Levant, is supposed to be the comic relief. Well, he wasn't at all comical, or at all a relief, for that matter. I loved his piano playing and I hope to be as good as him someday. But he was about as humorous as a brick and not a good actor, either. If you want a real good Gene Kelly pal, watch Donald O'Connor in SITR. He's actually funny and talented in many ways.

So, I only gave this a 5 because of Levant's piano playing (which was magnificent), Kelly's "I Got Rhythmn" number with the little kids (but I do still prefer Judy Garland's version of the song), and the ballet at the end. As much as I love SITR, it's ballet was not as exciting. I did like the ballet in AAIP very much.

So, all in all, it's a so-so movie. If you like that sort of thing, go ahead and watch it. But I'm warning you. You'd be much better off with watching "Singin' in the Rain".
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Anything Goes (1956)
Hats off to Donald O'Connor and Mitzi Gaynor!
29 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is just plain great. That's all there is to it. Just great! When you put together Cole Porter's songs, Paramount's filmmaking, and the spectacular cast, you are bound to get something great. And you do! I don't know why people dislike this movie. They say it has a clunky plot and wooden acting. Not true! I think the plot is quite fascinating. But it isn't at all like the stage show. That might be why so many people dislike it. And the acting is not at all wooden. It's great! My personal favorites are Donald O'Connor and Mitzi Gaynor. I had seen them in "There's No Business Like Show Business" (1954) together as brother and sister (I also highly recommend that film).

Let's start with the few negative remarks and get them out of the way. Zizi Jeanmarie is French. She has a heavy accent. Occasionally, it's a bit hard to understand what she's saying. You need to listen close. But most of the time, you can understand her well. There are also a few moments that younger children shouldn't see. Nothing is shown. But the content of it shouldn't be expressed towards littler kids. In one scene, Jeanmarie is seen changing behind a changing screen with O'Connor in the room. But O'Connor is extremely respectful when talking to her and shows no perversion whatsoever. I personally don't mind those things. As long as they don't show anything. Also, in one scene, O'Connor walks into his bedroom and, without warning, takes off his pants. He is in boxer shorts, though. So that doesn't bother me. But children may not be mature enough for it. There are also a few sexual references, mostly from Jeanmarie. But I found nothing else about it that I didn't like. And I didn't even dislike the other things I referred to. But they were the only things not the best.

Bing Crosby is a great singer, as always. His acting is pretty good, too. Seeing him and O'Connor together was great. The last time they has been paired was in 1939's "Sing You sinners" when Donald was only 12. Definitely a long time friendship.

Jeanmarie is pretty good. She's not my favorite. The spot of favorite girl is saved for Gaynor! Jeanmarie's an impressive dancer and I think she's pretty cute. Her singing isn't great. But maybe it's just because of her accent. I can't put my finger on it.

Mitzi Gaynor is amazing. Her dancing, singing, and acting is tremendous. I also think she is highly attractive. She's just great all around. Her and O'Connor were great friends and it definitely shows.

Donald O'Connor is my all-time favorite. His singing is also shown in this one. (Watch "Call Me Madam (1953) for more of his singing). I enjoy his voice more than Bing's, personally. His dancing is at it's top. Especially at the finale. I kept rewinding it to watch his part because I liked it so much! He is definitely the whole show in "Anything Goes".

I recommend the dances, "You Can Bounce Right Back" and the finale number over them all.
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A very interesting movie
25 April 2011
This is a very nice one. I've seen better. But I've definitely seen worse! If you love musicals (like me), you will adore this movie (also like me). But if you aren't a big fan of musicals to begin with, don't even think about watching this one! It's the most extravagant, over-the-top, extreme musicals I've ever seen. The costumes are colorful, the sets are colorful, and, most importantly, the personalities were colorful! I had never seen or heard Ethel Merman before seeing this film a few months ago. I personally love her. I don't think her voice is the most gorgeous thing I've ever heard. But it's so powerful, you forget she might not have perfect pitch. She's also a great actress, making me laugh often.

Dan Dailey was very nice. I had a slight grudge against him. But it's a long story. Let's just say, Donald O'Connor (a co-star in this, and my favorite actor) was in the process of divorce from his wife, the beautiful, yet intolerable Gwen Carter, while making this. Gwen, being pretty clueless, began dating Dailey during the making of this film. I had a negative view on Dailey for quite some time. But, boy, he can sing! And dance, for that matter! His acting is certainly top-notch. I enjoyed him greatly.

Johnnie Ray isn't much. Don't get me wrong. He's a remarkable singer. But his acting is so low-key, he almost doesn't seem to care. He can't act, that's for sure. His character isn't even in it that much. But he needed to be there to add to part of the story. But his bad acting can be overlooked because of his singing.

Mitzi Gaynor. What can I say? This girl is great. Her dancing is amazing. And she's a cutie! Her acting is much better than I thought. She manages to sing like Merman in one scene, which is quite a feat! She is so good! I loved her! Marilyn Monroe...hmmm...well...let's just say it's a good thing she's gorgeous! Her singing is alright. Nothing to applaud about. But it's just plain "alright". She can't dance. Then again, nobody can dance next to Gaynor and O'Connor! She's not a bad actress. But it's still hard to imagine her and O'Connor as a couple. I think they were both very good looking. But in completely different ways. Monroe's is so prominent, she almost explodes with sex appeal. O'Connor, is more of a "boy next door" style. But they made them work pretty well. Not the worst one screen couple. But certainly not the best. Monroe was good. But the only reason she standed out form the others at all is from her looks, not talent, in my opinion.

I saved the best for last: Donald O'Connor. This film shows all of his talents in one movie. His singing is shown in "A Man Chases A Girl". His dancing is shown in anything he dances to. He never disappoints me. His acting really good. The drunk scenes had me laughing out loud. Again, begin partnered with Monroe certainly was something we will never completely understand. But it actually worked out alright. Back to O'Connor. I loved his "Midnight Choo Choo Reprise" with Gaynor. One of my favorites from the film. The "A Man Chases A Girl" is so great, I recommend to go watch it on Youtube right now! He is actually quite graceful, which was a surprise to me. I would have never thought that the loose-limbed, running-up-walls O'Connor could have grace! But believe me, he does! I personally adore his singing voice. This film showcased it quite well. (For better singing from him, Check out "Call Me Madam", also with Merman.) In my opinion, it is O'Connor's performance that single-handedly makes this a great film.

So, to summarize, this is a screen-full of greatness! I recommend it very highly. Only, you might want to be careful with little kids about this one. With Monroe involved, there's bound to be something in there. The "Heat Wave" number is probably the most revealing. Also is Monroe's "After You Get What You Want" and Gaynor's Paris version of "Alexander's Ragtime Band". But other than that, a great, great movie! (Mostly because of Donald O'Connor!)
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One of my favorites
13 April 2011
This movie is all around great. The acting is certainly top notch and you couldn't ask for anyone better to play the parts. Compared to the rest of Universal's teenage musicals, this one seems to be the most professional. It has a different director than the rest. Though the old director, Charles Lamont, was very good, this film needed a director like Frank Ryan. I seemed to get more laughs out of his work. The rest of the teenage musicals seem to appeal to only teenagers. This appeals to teenagers, children, adults, elderly, anyone! Frances Dee is in this. She is very pretty and a great actress. I enjoyed her so much, I am wishing to see another one of her films. Donald Cook was good as the father. He is a good singer, a bit more of a bass, if you ask me. Peggy Ryan is a joy in anything. I happen to think that this film shows all of her beauty. I think she's gorgeous. And in this film, you can definitely see it. Donald O'Connor is the star of the show and he lives up to the title. He was amazing. I loved his little song, "Let Me See". Hilarious! There actually isn't much dancing or songs. It's more of an actual movie than the rest of them. I can only think of three dances done, not counting a waltz. The first dance is by the Jivin' Jacks and Jills, who I thought did the best in this film than almost any of their other films. I recognized several of them from previous ones and they improved over the time. The other dances are by Donald and Peggy, one with background dancers.

This was Donald and Peggy's last film together before he was drafted into the Army. I think that Universal finally decided to do the kids justice and finally let them fall in love. In their fourteen previous pictures together, they had never fallen in love. They do in this one, though.

I only have one minor complaint about this one. A the end, Donad and Peggy don't kiss. It is a small complaint. But I was hoping for them to kiss at the end. Other than that, it is one of the best films I have ever seen and I recommend it over many other Donald and Peggy movies.
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Very Nice!!!
13 April 2011
I have seen four Donald and Peggy movies. This one isn't my favorite of them all. It's still very good, though. Donald and Peggy work great together, no matter what the movie. Ann Blyth, who had been in "Chip Off the Old Block" with them previously, shone in this one. She is a very pretty girl, and boy, does she have a voice! This was one of the few higher budgeted Universal musicals. It shows in costumes and sets, certainly. The Manhattan Follies number has a huge stage with many dancers in elegant costumes. My favorite costumes are at the end. Peggy's dress is gorgeous. Then again, I think Peggy is gorgeous. Call me crazy! Jack Oakie is enjoyable all around, and it's almost impossible to not like him. Though Isabel Jewel was only in a very small amount of it, it was exciting to see "the white-trashed Emmie Slattery" in something else other then "Gone with The Wind". Rosemary DeCamp was great. But the show is stolen by, as usual, the amazing Donald O'Connor. He and Peggy's "I Hate to Lose You" was a show stopper and is one of the only clips of the film available on Youtube. That song is enough of a reason to get the movie.

I gave this an 8 out of 10 because, though the costumes and the performances were indescribable, the plot is a bit clichéd here and there. Only a few times, though. It's a very good movie and I recommend it to anyone.
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Mixed feelings...
13 April 2011
I have mixed feelings about this movie. Over all, I enjoyed it. I've seen 5 movies with Donald O'Connor and Peggy Ryan and this is definitely not my favorite of them all.

I'll start with the negative. Ann Blyth is one of the things that I don't particularly like in this musical. I've seen her in "The Merry Monahans", also with O'Connor and Ryan, and she was quite different. This was her first film. So she might not have been so confident. But her singing is very irritating. In "The Merry Monahans", her singing is great and her acting is amazing, too. But in this one, her singing sounds very bad and her acting is far from good. Maybe it's just because I dislike her character in this one, Glory Marlowe III. The character is an annoyance and she was not very enjoyable in this one. There was also some broken direction here and there. And the plot is an real cliché. But, really other than those, it's a good movie.

O'Connor and Ryan sparkle in this one. They get to do one great dance called "Is it Good or is it Bad?". This song alone is enough to make you buy this one. They also dance to "I Gotta Give My Feet a Break" and they get to do a few comedy bits. These two are dynamite and carry the movie through. If it weren't for these two, the film would have been a disaster. But these two take the picture to the end and make it full of life.

I don't recommend this that much. If you want some great stuff from O'Connor and Ryan, check out "Mister Big" or "Patrick the Great". But this one is good, too. Not their best. But pretty good.

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Call Me Madam (1953)
5 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I only have a few negatives about this film. So, I think I will get those out of the way. The plot is a bit far fetched. It isn't likely that you'll just fall in love with a princess. But they made it work well. The only other negative is the opening credits. As silly as it sounds, it's strange. Ethel Merman's demanding voice shouting, "Call Me Madam!" was a bit surprising. But other than those two minor things, I loved it! Then again, if Irving Berlin wrote the music, it's going to be fantastic. Walter Lang directed it. He also directed "There's No Business Like Show Business", which also has Ethel and Donald O'Connor. This movie is for Ethel and Donald fans, especially. They do a smashing duet together, "You're Just in Love". It is a show-stopper. And you can't watch this movie with out watching Donald's "What Chance Have I With Love?" at least six times. That is one of his most famous dances, behind the electrifying "Make 'Em Laugh" from "Singin' in the Rain". Vera-Ellen does great, too. Her and Donald do two dances together that are very romantic and exciting. They also sing a song together. And in one scene, you can get a glimpse as Vera's neck, which was never shown. Since she had anorexia at the time, it left her neck very wrinkled, thus, she never showed it. This is one of the very rare occasions where it is revealed. Her and Donald make an amazing couple. They were almost paired in "White Chirstmas" together. But Donald got severely ill and was replaced with Danny Kaye. Oh, yes. You also see that not only can Donald dance. He has an enchanting voice! His singing is usually overshadowed by his dancing. But with two whole songs with him just singing without and dancing or comedy, for that matter, you hear his absolutely gorgeous voice! If you don't like musicals, you won't like this. But if you're a musical freak like me, you will fall in love with it.
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Very Good!
19 March 2011
I watched this film because my idols, Donald O'Connor and Peggy Ryan were in it. They had very small parts. But I watched it, anyhow. It was when I watched this did I realize that The Andrews Sisters are very good singers. Great singers, at that! I liked the story pretty well, and it was funny enough for me. It was a very nice way to spend an evening alone, watching it on my computer.

Even though Donald and Peggy weren't in it much, they were still very entertaining. Their kiss at the end is hilarious. The Jivin' Jacks and Jills were amazing, too. I love their dancing! They were in quite a few Universal films in those days. Almost all of their films star Donald and Peggy. I think the one to see their most impressive dancing is in 1943, "Mister Big". The dancing form this same group is jaw-dropping! Well, anyways, it's an entertaining, comical, musical movie that is well worth sitting in your little computer chair for 1 hour and seven minutes!
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Mister Big (1943)
An all around great film
10 February 2011
I heard of this movie while watching a documentary about Donald O'Connor. I thought it sounded good and watched some clips online. It was great! I tried to find the film and I couldn't find it anywhere. Finally, after a few months of searching, I found that Gloria Jean herself was selling copies. I bought one immediately. I saw it and it is now my favorite movie. The comedy is hilarious. Like the rationing scene between Peggy and Donald. I loved the songs. They were very well written and the choreography was phenomenal. All the performances given were stupendous. Especially Bobby Brooks and the Ben Carter Choir. They were fabulous! I highly recommend this film to everyone. It is appropriate for families to watch, too. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
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