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D.C. Follies (1987)
Funny Satire
I recall my parents used to tape this show for me when I was younger, as it was on late at night. I remember it being quite funny, though I would probably get more of the jokes now.
The one episode I remember well involved Nixon investing the bartenders money in the stock market and losing it. He tried to raise money by selling his "precious bodily fluids" (as he called it) to people who couldn't pass drug tests, and by writing a children's book with himself as the hero.
There were cameos by all the living ex-presidents and many of the celebrities of the day. It also had some witty lines, and some funny physical comedy involving the Gerald Ford puppet. I really hope to see it on DVD one of these days.
Desyat negrityat (1987)
Faithful Adaptation
Being a huge fan of the novel and of the (somewhat unfaithful) 1945 version, I decided I had to see this adaptation after reading other comments about how closely it sticked to the book.
After viewing it, I do believe it is a faithful adaptation. I feel it captures the mood quite well, it genuinely feels like the novel. I also appreciate the fact that no one lives in the end.
I only have two complaints about the movie. The first was the sex scene that I'm sure I would remember if it was in the novel. It was more like a rape which kind of threw me off. In any event, it seems like it was added just to inject a bit of skin to the proceedings. Secondly, I didn't like how the judge commits suicide. His method strays from the source material and leaves no mystery as to who the killer was, as in the novel.
Of course, these are minor complaints that really have nothing to do with the film as a film, but with the film as an adaptation. As a film it does all fit together well. Overall, it was a well made, entertaining movie.
As others have noted already, the subtitles on the available DVD are not well made. The subtitle track is full of bad grammar and misspellings. The names of characters, or at least the spelling of their names, change throughout. For one not already acquainted with the story, it might be a little hard to follow.