
4 Reviews
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An action packed, dark poem.
2 February 2003
To my astonishment this movie FAR outdid Mad Max, and Mad Max was a classic in itself. This movie, which in my opinion launched Mel Gibson's career, can be looked at in a number of ways. Its a great action movie. Its a somber look at a man so traumatized by heart breaking loss and scarred by the world around him that he has turned into a bitter cold shell. It could be viewed as a scathing political/social commentary. And finaly its merely a darkly poetic film about the struggle of existence.

First off the acting was superb. A lot of people at first glance might right this off as "another stupid action movie". My friends that would be a travesty. EVERYONE involved, from Max, to the gyro captain, to the kid, to the evil gang, to the Leader of the Oil clan gives a believable wonderful performance. Even the mohawked biker bad guy does a great job despite never really uttering a sensible word. Its all about facial expressions and conveyance of emotion in The Road Warrior. A fine job by everyone envolved. Much better than Mad Max and the eventual Beyond Thunderdome.

The music was simply the BEST I've ever heard for an action movie. Period. Moody, fitting, exhilirating. For every situation in the film, the music was like a character in itself. Especially the opening and final closing seconds of the movie. I got goosebumps. That last image of Max on the road in smoke is in my opinion of the greatest cinematic images ever. Forget Snake Pliskin, Ash, anything by arnold or Stallone...Max is the epitome of the everyman style "anti" hero. Even my beloved comic book character The Crow has a hard time competing with the sympathetic bad ass Mad Max.

The cinematography was top of the line. The Australian locations were frightening in their nothingness. I realize some of the most barren parts of the Outback were used, but jesus you really got the feeling that this vast stretch of desert was what comprised a dead earth. Incredible camera work to boot.

The story was simple and to the point. In this case it was a good thing. Forget movies like XXX or The Scorpion King or any other ambiguous action yarn. The simple subtleness of The Road Warrior is what made the action even more heart racing.

Well what else can I say? The best of the Mad Max trilogy without doubt, and in my opinion the best action movie ever made. You owe it to yourself to see this movie. Once you have I dont think you'll be able to watch Rambo 3 or any other crappy action fest again with a strait face.
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Not THAT bad.
2 February 2003
I can see why this movie has been critically buried by a lot of people, but come on! We've all seen way worse! The acting was horrible, the dubbing was atrocious. The story was dumb. But the creature and the story was better than the movie that surrounded it. The gore was fairly decent for low budget trash. I've seen FAR worse. I actually liked the whole tit being ripped off thing. I gave this movie a 3 because yes, it does suck, BUT you could do worse in the horror genre. TRUST ME. Go watch Alex's Apartment, Jack-O, Critters 3, The Howling 7 and then tell me how bad When The Screaming Stops Is.

My biggest complaint : why the hell did the cover box show a girl cowering from someone waving a knife? I guess to cash in on the slasher craze. I was expecting a murder mystery movie, and boy thats not what I got.
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Hands Down Best Godzilla Movie EVER!!!
20 January 2003
I'm a huge godzilla fan, I should say that from the get go. But even I admit that its hardly high art. And yes there have been HORRIBLE entries in the sizeable series (Godzilla vs The Smog Monster, Godzilla on Monster Island, several of the newer Toho godzilla's, and of course the American travesty), but that doesnt mean that some of the movies dont have a redeeming quality. It may sound absurd, but Godzilla movies introduced me to the world of drama. I'm all about the rising action. A good godzilla movie has a nasty villian, some other creatures to either assist or attack 'the zilla', a couple of good fighting scenes, then a long period without fighting where the plot (while campy) holds your attention, and then BAM! The final battle. Godzilla gets his ass kicked for a bit then makes the comeback.

I've seen every godzilla movie, and this is by far my favorite. I personally think Aguillas and King Sesar king ass. Mechagodzilla is the coolest villian ever. The fight scenes rock. The music score is second only to the original Gojira. This movie simply had me excited. I was cheering like a damnded five year old when Godzilla was on the island getting "powered up". When Godzilla finally beats the hell out of his metal counter part I got goosebumps. I'll admit it, I prefer the films in which Godzilla is the bad guy, but this for me is the ultimate rush movie, as far as Godzilla goes of course.

Bottom Line: I know it sounds silly, but GET THIS MOVIE IF YOU ARE A GODZILLA FAN!!!
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Dr. Curry (1997)
Obscure Mexi Trash
17 January 2003
I was given this short mexican film as an extra to The Resurrection Of Micheal Myers parts 1 and 2. Boy was this movie fun. Horrible yes, thus my 3 rating, but fun. I dont know an ounce of spanish, making the whole thing that much better. From what I can gather, an insane doctor creates a pill that turns people into bloodthirsty monsters. The funder of the demented doctor tries to flee the city before he can be arrested (I think). Some things in this movie, like the gun carrying pilot at the end of the movie fall about 80 yards away from making any kind of sense at all. Very obscure short film, but well worth tracking down for ten minutes or so of good laughs.
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