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12 August 2024
The animation ranges from alright to horrible, even worse is there is absolutely no creativity to be found. No risks where taken, nothing interesting happens, it's all just a bland waste of time.

The animation and drawings are often laughingly bad. Characters are crosseyed at crucial moments, looking the wrong way or just stupidly smiling in the background like Batwoman. She in particular looks extremely dumb and barely has any good frames. The lip ''syncing'' is also completely wrong throughout the entire movie. There's missing in-between animation, bad CGI, lackluster editing and a ton of missed opportunities

I have to say the cast is pretty good, there's a few cringy lines here and there but not a lot. The movie has some things to offer but it's important to remember that they sold this movie, as flawed as it is, at full price.. imagine paying 51 to 150 bucks to buy the entire set on bluray. There is no shame on WB's part. This being the legendary studio that it is, or was, makes it that much more painful

WB Animation should be deeply ashamed of this. Why even make this if it was just gonna be soulless. This could have been great, there's so much here to do something unique with and they never fail to under deliver. So much work by so many people and it's all for this crap. Bet the animators where wishing they worked on Harley Quinn or Kite Man instead, at least those are a lot of fun to watch and they look a bit better as well. Most importantly they have vision, and the difference of it being actually fun is significant. Without fun it's just a bunch of nonsense that takes itself too seriously.
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The Umbrella Academy: End of the Beginning (2024)
Season 4, Episode 6
9 August 2024
No spoilers here. I think the show deserved better. I can feel the team did their best, but didn't get what they needed to make it, you know actually good. There's a lot to love in the show, even in the mediocre last season, but the show couldn't live up to it's own idea's. The finale and by extension the last season feels like they made it with a gun to their heads. I love the train station thing, the family stuff is all great. It feels just a bit too paper mache, very cheap and small. Not all of it mind you, some sets are beautiful, but when it really counts the show lacks the believability I felt with the first 2 seasons. It needed more layers, more episodes, more unique storylines to satisfyingly end it. As it is the final season feels like a skeleton with barely any meat on it.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Face the Strange (2024)
Season 5, Episode 4
The show is still fun
18 April 2024
Except for some terrible camerawork at a specific part early in the episode it still feels fun and engaging. Elias Toufexis, Anthony Rapp, Callum Keith Rennie and Tig Notaro are all fantastic. Sonequa Martin-Green is a strong lead, although her character can be lacking (which is not the actors fault). Ofcourse the episode looks wonderful, the sets are as beautiful as always. The writing on the show can be a bit under written or too on the nose, it's fine but there's some squandered potential that could have led to more engaging character work. No Saru this episode, which is sad as he's the best character on the show

PROS +Callum Keith Rennie getting in the groove +Special effects are on point +Tig Notaro +Fun characters

CONS -That horrible camerawork early in the episode -Story feels a bit too familiar -Writing is a bit on the nose -No Saru :(
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Doctor Who: Wild Blue Yonder (2023)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Great episode
3 December 2023
Very dark atmosphere, extremely cool concept. I had a wonderful time with this episode, editing was a bit messy here and there which brought me back.

It's incredible how authentically Who this episode is. Deeply scary at times, maybe a little goofy or jank but always entertaining. This episode had to do a LOT and it would never have been perfect. This at least dares to be creative and wasn't too careful and I love it for that

This is a legit scary episode, especially the first act. You can really feel the dread, the emptiness. It's a concept in science that is very scary to think about and worked so SO well here.
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Lioness (2023– )
Brilliant Execution
13 September 2023
The story is something we've kind of seen before, but it's a fun watch. The writing is pretty much flawless. Taylor Sheridan once again delivers, including a satisfying conclusion that have become a staple of his projects. Morgan Freeman is a big standout, his character is a lot of fun to watch, even though he shows up late. Saldana and Laysla De Oliveira are both very convincing, Oliveira had the hardest job here and completely pulled it off. As good as the writing and acting are, the real hero here is the presentation. The show is shot and edited extremely well, they had a great plan and it all completely fell into place.
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The Blacklist: Blair Foster (No. 39) (2023)
Season 10, Episode 16
Very exciting episode
6 September 2023
I was really entertained all the way through, it's smart and balanced. Delightfully written and very interesting stories, exactly what the second half of the season needed. It also sets up a lot of very important stuff, the characters it introduces and grows are essential to the larger story. Really like the Blair Foster character, she's a great adversary and a lot of fun to watch (just like Reddington) If you ask me this season is wonderful so far, can't wait to see how it concludes. Some episodes have been a little boring according to other reviews but I personally didn't notice. This one's definitely the best since the start of the second half of the season.
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The Blacklist: The Nowhere Bride (No. 192) (2023)
Season 10, Episode 14
Episode was fine
6 September 2023
I see a lot of people saying this episode was boring, it wasn't. If you made it this far through the show you'll enjoy this one. Reddington is a lot of fun as always and Malik gets some pretty good character development. Malik shadowing Reddington is fun, they are a good pair. Reddington taking some interest in other people and doing nice things for a change is kind of satisfying after all the secrets and withholding info. The plot about the newly weds is alright, definitely not the best thing about the episode but it's original enough. Not very exciting tho :/ Hope it gets a little better

7.8/10 Not too bad.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
A great show with trouble crossing the T's and dotting the I's
5 September 2023
The Blacklist is a wonderful show featuring James Spader and a wooden plank. The tech/youth talk is absolutely horrible, but it's fun. Spader's work is a 10/10, a shining light in an otherwise 6/10 show. If you're an IT specialist this show is a comedy, the tech in this show is so stupid or so far off it's incredible. The actors are all doing great work, with one glaring exception. (The wooden plank ofcourse) There is a lot of repeated dialogue, ''Crossing the T's and dotting the I's'' is repeated a LOT throughout the show. I never heard this sentence before, until in this show everybody says it. Some storylines seem similar but deviate later on. Maybe a bit too much child murder, they even blow up a dog.

22 episodes a year is a lot, and if Spader wasn't pulling me back in constantly I would have given up long ago. This is definitely the last time I binge one of these stretched out shows with a billion episodes. 10-13 per season is fine.
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The Blacklist: Genuine Models Inc. (No. 176) (2022)
Season 9, Episode 13
This is just Sci-fi..
4 September 2023
The technology in the show was already hilarious, but these ****** are just sci-fi. A few episodes ago stomach acid ''partially corrupted'' a usb stick, before that they called a SD card an SD ''chip'', an email was sent by clicking on the title of the email. I could go on, but clearly someone on the writing team has no idea what a computer is, what popculture is, what the limits of technology are. Some things are hundreds maybe thousands of years off, most is just completely wrong. Early on in the show we had things like the undetectable tracker, something that makes a bit of sense unless you think too long about it. Now the show is going into full sci-fi. These are not spy gadgets, they're uncreative and lazy writing cheats.

It's not all bad, I have laughed at and enjoyed the little blunders the writers made through the years. I certainly never have written a TV show, so who am I to complain. Their work is at least very entertaining, but these ****** are not fun, not funny. It doesn't fit in the show, and it's ridiculous. This isn't Black Mirror, this show is supposed to be something my dad can watch.

Again, not a professional writer, I know it's a hard job and things go wrong. It's hard to take a step backwards to see the full picture when everything's moving so fast

The stars are hiding the word Robots btw. Trying to avoid big spoilers.
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Quality of a 1 dollar Steam game
2 September 2023
Due to the lockdown in 2020 the show had to be shut down, and so they made this. Give or take half of the episode is filmed and the other half is absolutely horrible animation or re-used shots. It seems like they used a storyboarding tool to make some very simple animations. It feels Ai generated, the camera angles aren't even in the style of the show. It doesn't just look like a cartoon, there's a lot of goofy stuff in here. Now while bingeing the show the episode horribly sticks out. There are moments in the episode that would have been iconic, and have absolutely been ruined by the way they chose to finish the episode. They should have just been patient and made it the Season 8 premiere. This messy duct tape'd together episode was NOT WORTH IT and ruins the entire show. The bookends being the cast and crew talking about the pandemic also takes you straight out of the show. What were they thinking?
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The Blacklist: Miles McGrath (No. 65) (2016)
Season 4, Episode 3
''Do you play Call of Duty? You should, it's Cool''
27 August 2023
The dialogue on this show isn't always great. The show itself is fun, and there's tons of great dialogue, but the tech and small talk are just too far off from how people actually communicate. Its like there is a 50 year old guy on the team that has no idea wat a computer is or how ''the youth'' talk. Also, thats not where you click to send an email, seriously someone in this episode clicks on the title of the email to send it. Who would ever design it that way? Any interface on a computer looks very nonsensical, overcomplicated and with a lot of stuff that wouldn't be functional.

Don't get me wrong, the show is really good. It keeps you guessing and interested. These issues plague a lot of shows, it's just how TV is sometimes I guess.
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Collateral (2004)
A decent movie with visual problems that are hard to ignore
15 August 2023
The image quality and camera framing are not great, the camera is often way too close to the actors faces. Some shots where too short and had to be artificially slowed down and sometimes even looped backwards to lengthen the shot. At one point during a fight scene a very basic piece of music loops endlessly until it's impossible not to notice. In flashes the movie seems fine, but when you watch the complete product it feels unfinished and sloppy. An imperfect piece of art and history and luckily not something thats acceptable nowadays. The significance this movie has for digital filmmaking is overshadowed by the problems in it's cinematography.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
A fantastic, pretty good looking show that's sometimes hard to believe !NO SPOILERS!
9 August 2023
The show is absolutely entertaining. Great characters and casting do a lot of the work, which helps a lot in the first season. From that point on the show is insanely good, the only nitpicks are some mediocre effects, editing and cinematography here and there. The rules in this universe are quite different to what we're used to, and sometimes that can make a scene hard to believe. The extreme pressure the characters feel while flying in the space ships is very interesting, but is not always consistent. The show changes themes and genres in a quite brilliant way, always remaining very creative with the storytelling tools they have.

I really like the show, I think the writers of the books are genius and the writers on the show are great as well. I've ordered the last 3 books to finish the story, which takes place 27 years after the show I hear.
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016–2022)
The most FUN show on TV
26 May 2021
This show started out so rough, season 1 honestly was a disaster. But watch any episode coming out today (or start around Season 3) and I'd bet you would really enjoy it. The writers team is absolutely top notch, not because they write perfect stories, but because they know exactly what the show is. Even the special effects are pretty damn good for a TV show, and the actors/characters are all very likable and well written. It's also a really funny show, with tons of situations that are guaranteed to make you smile all the way through each episode.

The Flash and Arrow can suck it, THIS is the only show on CW that counts. I would go further and say Flash and Arrow actually ruined this show early on, and when it became what it is today it did so by shedding itself of these inferiour shows.
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Disjointed (2017–2018)
This show is a bad trip
18 February 2020
It's like an old nickelodeon sitcom but with cursing and weed, I couldn't believe this wasn't made for small children with how stupid it is.
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Harley Quinn (2019– )
I am blown away
23 December 2019
I was expecting this to be at least decent fun, but I just keep rewatching the latest episode and the jokes just keep landing. It's really creative with changing the source material, and the jokes and story lines are a very exclusive, refreshing and well thought out variation on the "tired old" batman lore. The first 4 episodes give the feeling that the creativity won't dry out any time soon, even though the first episode was a little bit disappointing animation wise (and the way they kept things "Safe"). I hope DC is serious about this show, because they've really struck gold here, I'll buy on Bluray for sure

9.6/10 (so far)
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A complete mess..
13 January 2019
It's a shame I have to say this, but I absolutely hated this movie. I wanted it to be good, or at least wanted to like it, but it's all just one big mess.

The original story has been butchered with new stuff forced in, which is of varying quality. Most new characters are predictable or uninteresting, plotpoints get resolved before the viewer has any interest and the story has loads of cringy stuff that absolutely did not have to be there.

The animation is fantastic at times, the artstyle is pretty good, but some key moments are around 5fps, which makes it very hard to see whats going on (and it looks really cheap)

Small spoiler here but the weirdest thing about the movie is the vibe between Ash and Pikachu. It wasn't like this in the original show, they were just really good friends, but these versions of the characters are a little too close

I get why they had to update the story, as the world has become 10x as big as it used to be, but they only had one chance to do this right, and this is a spectacular failure
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Fenomenally entertaining
15 August 2015
I had been anticipating this movie for a very long time, and of course it didn't disappoint. there's a lot here to enjoy. its not just an action movie, its the biggest car chase of all time. George Miller created a world that feels like its alive, and above all else it looks incredibly cool. The movie uses a lot of practical effects and they look stunning, there's some cgi in there but its barely noticeable. the details in this movie are mind boggeling, the bigger the screen the better the movie gets. don't get it on DVD or watch it on your phone, get it in HD and watch it on the biggest screen you can get your hands on.
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