
85 Reviews
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Maneater (2022)
A bit better than other recent shark movies I've seen
27 August 2022
Shark movies need some eye candy as the genre really has been done to death now. Most recent ones I've seen haven't even had that. At least the girls showed a bit of skin in this film. The lead actress, looking very good for 40, in a string bikini top for most of the film, though strangely staying in cutoff denim shorts, even when swimming. The usual wooden acting and dodgy sfx for a low budget movie, but a bit more watchable than most other recent ones.

Wow 600 characters are a lot! I can see the number of reviews dropping off considerably, but no bad thing given how much spamming has been going on.
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Shows just how good Top Gun 1986 was
25 August 2022
The FX weren't that much better than 1986 nor was anything else. Why try and fix something that wasn't broke? Jennifer Connelly loked amazing, thought the young guns were a bit meh, and the beach football scene a bit obvious!
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Temptation Under the Sun (2022 TV Movie)
Pretty decent TV movie
22 August 2022
Reign in expectations, it's a Lifetime made for TV movie. In that context it's a pretty decent watch. Attractive cast, doing their best with the script. The striptease thing was actually pretty good I thought!

Have sadly seen a lot worse.
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Spin Me Round (2022)
Kept me guessing
20 August 2022
Fun film, kept going down different avenues so I wasn't quite sure what was happening. Was it a simple romance? Find out she's really a lesbian? Slasher movie? Sex trafficking and slavery? All the various tropes hinted at, really well done I thought. And in the end it turned out to be .......
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Not a bad way to spend 90 minutes
10 August 2022
Isn't going to win any awards and should be rated in that context. Seen a lot worse. The lead actress is very easy on the eye, hopefully some more roles for her in the future. Was waiting for a plot twist, but there wasn't one.
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Resurrection (2022)
Great start, gripping middle, disappointing ending
7 August 2022
So many films these days suck you in with a really good start, keep you invested with a well developed middle, then let down with a poor or muddled ending. I still don't get this one at all. But worth it for Rebecca's monologue in the middle.
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Impressive casting
16 July 2022
Very woke. They got everyone in, didn't they? Black lesbian, Chinese female villian, etc. Was there a gay man? I can't remember. All just so obvious. I thought the film was pretty mediocre, but I was probably viewing it through a negative lens because of my annoyance with the casting.
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Stumptown (2019–2020)
Why hasn't this been bought up by someone???
14 July 2022
When you see some of the rubbish that gets renewed or produced and yet another wonderful show was binned and no other network has stepped in to take it, it makes you wonder just wtf is going on. So sad we won't see this world exploered any more.
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Watcher (I) (2022)
Pretty reasonable film
26 June 2022
Ok it isn't going to win any awards but it was a good film, not a bad way to spend 90 minutes. DOn't think I'll be adding Roumania to my list of places to go, it looked a bit grim.
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Great buildup but didn't deliver
21 June 2022
Held my interest but uitimately left me unsatisfied. I will always think of Lea Seydoux as the the last person to utter the immortal words "his name was Bond, James Bond".
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Double Threat (2022)
Not a bad way to spend 90 minutes
7 June 2022
Suspend belief, enjoy the good dialogue, ignore the bad. The fight scenes were pretty decently done, reminiscent of Natasha Romanoff I thought. But the sex scene - really? In these days of freely available porn which is so much better (I'm told) these sorts of semi-modest scenes are a bit cringeworthy.
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Interceptor (2022)
Who, why, what Elsa Pataky?
4 June 2022
I had no idea who Elsa Pataky is. I now know she's also Mrs Chris Hemsworth. So was this film wriitten specifically for her? All seems very odd.

Aside from that potential intrigue I thought it was a reasonable enough adventure yarn. Suspend belief as you do with these movies and it wasn't a bad way to spend 90 minutes. I'm not sure what all the people only giving it 1 and piling on the criticism expect from the films they watch any more.
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Glass Houses (2020 TV Movie)
Amazed to find this was a TV movie
26 May 2022
Beats loads of "proper" films hands down. What a little gem. Plus I've been an admirer of Bree Turner's assets for 20 years and there were a couple memorable scenes in this.

What struck me was how internally consistent the plot was. Seldom did I think this person would not do that in real life, but I'd think ok, I can see that.
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Hatching (2022)
Kept me guessing throughout
23 May 2022
Not often I see a movie of any genre any more that is quite bewildering and keeps me guessing all the way. This one did! Good performances by the cast and lovely locations made for a great experience.
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Dakota (2022)
Could've been a lot better
22 May 2022
Thought there was a reasonable story lurking somewhere in here. A less wooden cast and better production values could've made for a good film. But sadly it was very much B territory. Tim Rozon, so good in Wynonna Earp, was disappointing. Abbie Cornish has done better work, Lola Sultan did well. The dog was definitely the star!
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The Valet (2022)
Hate to say I enjoyed this
21 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Forced to watch it but actually enjoyed it! Some really good performaces, script, dialogue. My one reservation is that, as usual, the adulterous male gets his comeuppance but the female adulterer doesn't.
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FBI: Kayla (2022)
Season 4, Episode 21
Watch out Missy, they might not want you back
18 May 2022
In my view the show established itself through Missy in the first season. But I think Shantel aka Nina is a pretty good standin while Missy is off! Careful, they may not get you back.
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The Lost City (2022)
They should've swapped Brad Pitt and Channing Tatum
16 May 2022
In my view Brad stole the show in his short appearance, and I think the chemistry between Sandra and him was really good and would've been amazing if he had Channing Tatum's role. Well, it wouldn't take much to be better than the "chemistry" between Sandra and Channing, which was zero for me! The difference between Pitt and Tatum was the textbook definition of sheer screen presence.

Sandra looked remarkably good for someone in her fifties. Usually in these sorts of capers the lead actress sheds her clothes over the course of the movie (Brie Larson in Kong Skull Island springs to mind) but in this case she went the opposite, from cleavage revealing jumpsuit to very modest dress. How odd.
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Shark Bait (2022)
There is no scene in this film with a bikini babe in a red string bikini
15 May 2022
Shark films have to have some decent t & a otherwise there's not much point to them as the genre really has been done to death. The last few I've stupidly sat through have been sadly lacking. At least the lead character in this ends up in her bra and panties for the latter 3rd of the film, having slowly shed all her other clothes for no apparent reason, and is a good looking girl.

But I can confirm that there is no scene in this film with a bikini babe in a red string bikini as in the promotional material!
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Charming film
8 May 2022
Enjoyed this a lot. Believable characters, believable scenarios, nice locations. Of course few of us are as physically attractive as the characters, and a film exploring what happens to those not quite so blessed would be interesting, But this is film/fairy tale territory, so I guess that's unlikely to happen.
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The Endgame: Happily Ever After (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
I'm such a mug
3 May 2022
Completely clickbaited by Morena's amazing cleavage show in the opening ep I decided to sit through the rest hoping for more. Nothing, not even something a bit extra for the final ep. What a mug. Thank goodness for FFWD.
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Uncharted (2022)
When did Zoe say her name was Zoe?
25 April 2022
Can't find where the blonde at the bar ever said her name was Zoe, but credited as such.

You'd think with all the hugely talented and imaginative screenwriters around they might've come up with something a bit original, but sadly not. All the hype and anticipation and it's just a fairly run of the mill adventure yarn.
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Brut Force (2022)
Nice small town USA story
23 April 2022
I love these sorts of films. Slower pace, nice scenery, no high tech fast paced high jinks. Enjoyed every minute of it. Only realised afterwards I'd got the actresses mixed up! I thought the main character was Patricia Velasquez and spent the whole film thinking she's changed a bit since The Mummy!
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Chicago P.D.: Fool's Gold (2022)
Season 9, Episode 19
Is Intelligence a team any more?
23 April 2022
Not knocking an Atwater ep, he deserves it and more. But most eps this season have been about one or two main characters, Granted the show has always had eps that mainly revolve around one or two characters, but I think they've been fewer in the past. Bit more teamwork please?
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The Endgame: All That Glitters (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Just when you thought Morena's outfits couldn't get any worse
19 April 2022
After the clickbait outfit in the pilot, with cleavage aplenty, Morena's outfits have spiralled downwards. This ep, with it's shapeless baggy sweater, plumbed new depths. Hopefully there will be something spectacular for the finale, but I'm not holding my breath.
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