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Road House (2024)
Entertaining and fun
21 March 2024
As a big fan of the original, this is pretty good. Some parts are better, some worse. The big thing missing in this movie is the '80s magic. The original film epitomizes the quintessential essence of the bold, yet somewhat over-the-top action movies characteristic of the 1980s. Nevertheless, this iteration provides an enjoyable thrill ride with its gripping action sequences.

What more could you wish for than Jake Gyllenhaal and Conor McGregor going head-to-head in badass fistfights? McGregor's entrance is both spectacular and uproarious, setting the tone for his amusing yet somewhat flawed performance. While his acting may not reach stellar heights, his presence adds a unique flavor to this absurd narrative, fitting snugly into its quirky universe. McGregor's dedication to the role is evident, injecting authenticity and vigor into the fight scenes, proving that this venture was more than just a paycheck for him.

The fight scenes truly stand out, showcasing a level of intensity and impact rarely matched in cinema. Regrettably, the rest of the movie falls short of this standard. While the action delivers, it lacks the depth and intrigue present in the original. Viewing the original wasn't solely about witnessing thrilling combat; it also offered a rich tapestry of compelling elements beyond mere action.
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Without a Question the Most Epic Movie to Ever Exist. How Can You Go Back to Regular Movies After This?
28 February 2024
First off, this movie is epic and badass -- what more could you ask of a movie? This is why we go the the cinemas. There are so many moments that will make you have goosebumps, and what more could you want from a movie? The fact that this movie even exists is crazy. The sheer scale of this masterpiece is mindblowing. How can you go back to watching a normal movie after this? It's easier to name a few minor problems than writing 20 pages of praise.

This is an all-star cast with a lot of talent. Chalamet is outstanding and he has shown why he is a true movie star. He was frightening on screen. I was ready to bow and call him my king. And Zendaya delivers a masterclass in acting. She is the heart of the movie and her performance moved me. Butler is also phenomenal, but the problem is that he did not get a lot of screen time. When he's there, he is amazing, but he is barely in the film! It was, honestly, disappointing to have such a great villain and performance not be in the movie longer. It was anticlimactic.

The whole movie builds up to the final showdown between the houses. It's cool, I guess, but it does not have any real kick. There does not seem to be any stakes. The big action sequences were not as great as the first one. It works, but it's nothing special. The story is the most interesting with Paul's (Chalamet) journey and transformation. Also, the more intimate action sequences, only featuring a handful of characters, are incredible (for example: the harvester scenes and the knife fight).

With that being said, this might be the greatest film ever. Everything good is just so great. Never has a movie reached this high before.
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Masters of the Air captures real heroism
26 January 2024
When a series opens with army men sipping whiskey and listening to jazz, you know that greatness awaits. Masters of the Air is beyond well-crafted and will join the discussion of the greatest war series. Fans of Band of Brothers, you will not be disappointed.

Unlike Hollywood tales, Masters of the Air captures real heroism. Flying back then was risky, and the courage needed to soar over enemy territory amid explosions is beyond imagination.

At first sight, Austin Butler may be too pretty, but rest assured he is the empathetic and charismatic lead this show needs. He is joined by a great crew of actors, which you will find yourself attached to.
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 1 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 1
Promising beginning reminiscent of season 1
15 January 2024
It's probably impossible to watch a season of True Detective and not compare it to the first, perfect season. Still, this is a promising start. Jodie Foster's character grabbed my attention the second she appeared on the screen.

The production is not very impressive; some visual effects are questionable, but the location in which the show is set is cool. It's unique, cold and scary. There are aspects of this season which will remind you of the first season. While not being the greatest episode of the show, it is a good setup for what's to come. If you are a fan of this show, you should give it a try.
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Perfect Days (2023)
Will not leave you empty-handed.
12 January 2024
It won't blow you away, but you will not leave empty-handed. For two weeks, we follow a Japanese toilet cleaner in Tokyo. Not much happens, but that is the beauty of it all. Hirayama, played by fantastic Koji Yakusho, does his job, listens to excellent music, reads books, and goes about his everyday, unexciting routine. It does not sound special, right? But it is.

For Hirayama, the small, boring, and common things are beautiful. He stops for a moment and looks at the beautiful trees, which the rest of us walk past daily and never notice. When you leave the theaters, your walk home will be special. It's impossible to watch this movie without going outside and appreciating the small (but beautiful) things.
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MUST WATCH for any sports fan
30 December 2023
How often do you see Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo get interviewed in the same documentary? This is Netflix's biggest sport-documentary ever. This is the most star-strudded documentary ever.

If you are a fan of football, you can absolutely not miss this. Fans of sports should not miss this. It's one of the best-made documentaries out there and it gives incredible insight into what's going on in the players' heads during the biggest sports event.

The biggest event in the whole world - FIFA world cup - means much more than just a game. It's life and death for some people. This documentary lets us follow the all-time greats and the underdogs through epic low and highs. The fact that they actually got all the captains and the biggest stars in the same documentary makes all the difference. Do not miss if you are a sports fan.
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Hardest Moral Question In Any Film
25 December 2023
Discussing this film without delving into spoilers is challenging, but it's essential to note how it stands out from others in its genre, particularly towards the end. "Gone Baby Gone" starts as a detective story but evolves, introducing intense moral and philosophical questions that keep you on the edge of your seat. The film is replete with mind-blowing revelations and impressive plot twists.

Leonard Bernstein once said, "A work of art does not answer questions, it provokes them; and its essential meaning is in the tension between the contradictory answers." This film embodies that idea, posing perhaps the most challenging question I've ever encountered in cinema. Usually, I have an inkling of which side I lean towards, but with this film, I find myself completely lost in contemplation.

"Gone Baby Gone" is far more than a simple police drama; it's a profound exploration of morality. Is there a right answer to the puzzle it presents? Is there even a good choice to be made? The film is not only a stunning piece of entertainment from start to finish, but also a thought-provoking journey that lingers long after the credits roll.
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They forgot to film the rest of the movie
8 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Difficult to say what the point of this was. It starts of quite well but the longer it goes on, the worse it gets. Any apocalypse movie can be interesting in the beginning - when neither the audience nor the characters know what's going on. The difficult part is to make the reasons for the apocalypse make sense and to make the rest of the movie interesting.

The premise is interesting, but as soon as the characters start to put the pieces together, the movie ends abruptly. It is one of the weirdest endings I've ever seen. The characters had only solved about 80% of the mystery and it would be interesting to know what would happen next.

This whole movie feels like an intro. It feels like a pilot episode of a TV-show. Perhaps they forgot to film the rest of the movie? But I also don't think there was much more to build with after the credits rolled. Still, an enjoyable movie with a great cast - Mahershala Ali was phenomenal.
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The Killer (2023)
That's Freaking Badass.
12 November 2023
The Killer is the best picture this year. Technically, it's perfectly executed. There is nothing to criticize. The score is amazing and blends perfectly with the soundtrack and sounddesign. The cinematography is phenomenal and Fassbender is outstanding.

It's quite a slow-moving thriller. And it's awesome. Fassbender spends a lot of time doing nothing while narrating it and talking nonsense. It might not sound fantastic but you could watch several hours of this. When movies do narration well, it can not get much better. To hear his thoughts live while making it seem natural is hard to do.

How can you not enjoy a movie about a intelligent guy who's good at doing his job? It's thrilling and highly enjoyable. One of Fincher's best. Doesn't say too much since most of his movies are incredible.
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Every Scorsese Picture is PERFECT.
21 October 2023
Technically, the film is an exceptional masterpiece. No one can deny that. Scorsese is still so sharp which is unbelievable. The film is as good as it could be. There is no way to make the movie better and still stick to the gruesome and true story. The actors bring the movie to life, but does DiCaprio lack range?

The movie is very true to the book it is based on. The research behind the book is absolutely incredible. No wonder the rights were expensive. But the fact that the film is so similar to the book is also the only problem I have with the film. The film flows like a non-fiction book and it becomes a little more like a history lesson than a feature film. This is more of a character and story study than most modern films which are usually plot driven. That everything works depends a lot on the fantastic acting.

Gladstone is a great new face who shows a lot of emotion without doing too much. What a performance from her. De Niro is extraordinary and I had a hard time taking my eyes off him. DiCaprio was good as usual but I wasn't completely convinced.

Before the movie started, I had him as the winner of the Oscar statuette. Most actors can only dream of a role like Ernest Burkhart and dream even more to be directed by the master of cinema. DiCaprio sinks into the character and does it phenomenally, but sometimes there slips through a bit of his usual tendencies that make the portrayal similar to much of what he has played before. Does he have somewhat limited range? Every time I see him, it's always DiCaprio I see. He doesn't have the chameleon skills of Denzel, who really lives his characters.

One of the best films of the year and definitely something to watch if you like Scorsese. The film reeks of his style and it's perfectly crafted and directed. Sometimes you could smile because it was so perfect. Everything he does is literally perfect. No other director makes more than one perfect movie. This film deserves its long running time and doesn't feel completely impossible to work your way through. A film that tells an important and tragic story. This is something you will want to revisit many more times in the future.
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Quarterback (2023– )
I know nothing about this sport but still really enjoyed it.
13 July 2023
I know close to nothing about the NFL but I still very much enjoyed this series. I don't know the rules, terms or anything. I don't even know how the scoring system works.

It's a very good insight into the life of a worldclass athlete in a sport I know little about. Not only have I learned more about NFL but also the mind of different athletes.

I understand if some people would like an introduction to the rules but that would put off actual football fans. You don't have to know the rules, because the music and narration will tell you when they do good/bad. It's more about the players' psyches rather than the sport itself.

Very well made series in all aspects. If you are a fan of sports you will enjoy this. Netflix has been doing a great job with their sportdocs recently.
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Cruise and McQuarrie Continue to Revolutionize Action Cinema
11 July 2023
Tom Cruise tells his friends several times to "figure it out" during the movie, which is exactly what McQuarrie and Cruise are doing behind the scenes. McQuarrie and Cruise is the greatest duo in the history of action cinema. Every movie they make takes a huge leap forward in advancing the genre.

They modify real cars and build real trains. Most impressively they invent new ways to capture complex action effectively. It's one thing to perform the death-defying stunts, but it's a completely different sport to actually capture the action and edit it in a way that fully appreciates the actual stunts and lets the viewer understand what's going on. What's the point of doing the stunt if the audience can not fully appreciate it?

The behind-the-scenes footage is almost as good as the movie itself. It's crazy to see what goes down before they even shoot the stunts. They invent new cameras to capture it properly and they build huge ramps to practice countless hours.

Everybody knows how impressive the stunts are, but what few people seem to realize is how great the writing is. If you want to make a great action movie you should study this franchise. The crew comes up with these crazy set pieces and then they write the story. When actors are cast, their roles are tailored for them specifically which makes everything very natural. However, one of the most important aspects of this franchise's success is the constant time pressure.

This is the seventh entry in this franchise and it's still so stressful and intense. Our heroes are constantly fighting a battle with the clock. It doesn't matter what they are doing; they are always in a hurry or something bad will happen. Another vital aspect is the constant escalation of events.

Just when you think the crew is out of danger, something even worse happens. Just when you think they are done, a bigger and steeper mountain stands in front of them. It's so intense. I was holding my hat in my left hand and when the action was over and the audience got some breathing room, I noticed how hard I had been squashing my hat. You are constantly on the edge of your seat and time will pass surprisingly fast. I was in the zone; I couldn't feel my body because I was so focused on the movie screen.

The new additions to the already fantastic cast are phenomenal. Hayley Atwell does more than hold her own against Cruise. She is the main attraction in many of their shared scenes. Not only is her acting superb, but her dedication to performing the stunts is awe-inspiring.

This movie does have a little more downtime than Fallout and part of that is due to the romance between Hayley and Cruise. Cruise has to look out for her and she gets almost as much screen time as Cruise does. This is not bad but it does differ from previous iterations. The stakes are higher and Ethan cares more about his friends' life than his own.

Every Mission movie stands on its own. This movie does at times move a bit slowly with a lot of exposition. Sometimes you wish that they would just get on with the action. And when they do, they blow your socks off.

This is actually a spy movie. The first half is very different compared to the previous movies with a lot of intense and suspenseful espionage. The enemy in this movie is an AI which feels very fitting considering the current state of the world. It's not only an intense, entertaining action movie - it also makes you think about advanced technology's role in our world. What happens if it goes rogue? Should any person have access to this weapon of mass destruction?

What a fun movie. When the movie started I was looking for a seatbelt. I was almost convinced that the cinema would take off like a plane. Do yourself a favor and watch it on the biggest screen you can. Your body will be rocking around in your chair when the sound is booming. A very intense, stressful, and funniest entry in the franchise so far.
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Extraction II (2023)
It Was the Perfect Action Movie for 45 Minutes...
16 June 2023
The first 45 minutes are spectacular. I was having constant goosebumps for 20 minutes straight. I was in total awe; I couldn't avoid smiling. You will not witness much better stunts and choreography (it is arguably better than that of the John Wick trilogy).

What's most impressive is the camerawork. There is a 20-minute sequence without any visible cuts that is so immersive. You will be blown away by the impressive technological achievement this crew has achieved. I could hardly believe what I was watching; helicopters landing on moving trains and cameras going in and out of windows have never been easier to follow. This is not a gimmick; it's a highly efficient tool used to make the movie highly intriguing.

The rest of the movie does sadly not live up to what the first act had to offer. It goes from an action masterpiece to another generic action-thriller by Netflix. It should honestly have ended after 50 minutes. There is no way you could top what we've just seen. The story doesn't justify the action. They are fighting -- but why? They go back and forth between each other, and at one point it gets tiresome. Just finish it up already.

Overall, a movie worth your time with some spectacular action. Don't go into this expecting a movie with substance, but rather an entertaining movie. Can't a movie be nothing more than entertaining at times? Sometimes that's enough. Good writing is however important to make the breathtaking action mean something.
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Arnold (2023)
New footage and information from the 70s - a goldmine for Arnold fans.
8 June 2023
Every bodybuilding and Arnold fan has always been sad that there doesn't exist more footage of Arnold pumping iron back in the 70s. This documentary features so much footage which we've never seen before. Not only video footage from the gym but also footage from movie premieres and forgotten interviews. This is a must-watch for every Arnold fan.

Even fans who have read his biography have something to learn. And for those who have not been in for a ride. A superbly edited documentary that keeps the viewer's attention throughout. Not only informative but also motivational. Arnold showed us all that the American dream is possible. You can do anything as long as you set your mind to it. Arnold is a legend.
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Barry: wow (2023)
Season 4, Episode 8
They actually did it.
30 May 2023
Last episode left us with so many unanswered questions and many thought it would be difficult to tie up all lose ends in just one episode. But the writers have done it again. They continue to surprise and make us laugh until the credits roll. A very fitting ending for this show. Every character's arch has been completed. Have we ever witnessed a finale like this before? Unpredictable and funny.

It's funny while also being serious. The characters decisions make sense and everything that has happened the past four seasons has led to this. Was there any other way it could end? Not this show. A great ending to a very unique show we have had the luxary of enjoying these past years.
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Succession: With Open Eyes (2023)
Season 4, Episode 10
Kept me guessing until the credits rolled.
29 May 2023
The finale kept me guessing until the credits rolled. I wasn't even sure how the final scene would go. I had no clue where the first scene was going and when I knew that something else came up. Unpredictable and thrilling finale. To wrap up everything that was going on is nothing short of very impressive. The writing is just excellent and brought to life by the excellent actors.

Everybody had their predictions for the finale and some guessed right and some guessed wrong. It's perfectly written. The Roy kids' characters are some of the best-written characters to ever grace the television screen. We've come to know these people better than our real friends. We know what they truly feel. Everything in this finale makes sense. Everybody involved delivers excellent performances but Culkin is the fireworks. Some performances he has delivered in the past weeks.
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FUBAR (2023– )
I was ready to bet 100$ that this would suck.
25 May 2023
I was sure that it would suck. Old Arnold in a cheesy show produced by Netflix? I just wanted to know how much it sucked. I was pleasantly surprised. Of course, it's not great. It's a cheesy classic Netflix-produced show but it's pretty good (and funny). Arnold is as funny as ever and Barbaro is a very exciting up-and-coming talent.

Arnold is such a great comedian. That's where he shines the brightest - especially an older and less physical Arnold. Barbaro and Arnold are a great duo. This show has moments that will make you laugh out loud. I laughed many times when watching. But take Arnold out and it wouldn't work obviously. Just like most of his other movies, he is the main attraction.

It's nothing crazy, but it's a pleasant surprise coming from Netflix. It won't win any awards but it's a decent watch for Arnold fans.
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Barry: a nice meal (2023)
Season 4, Episode 7
Lazy writing? I disagree.
23 May 2023
After last week's excruciating episode, we finally get something fun. The scenes with Sally and John are so difficult to watch. It makes sense from a storytelling perspective, but also, who wants to cringe this much when watching an otherwise enjoyable show? Not me. This episode features more chaos and action like previous great episodes from the show.

Some people think that writing's lazy. I disagree. Some points are valid, but for the most part, this episode's writing is not so different from what we've seen before. Sure, there are unbelievable moments but they are mostly played for laughs. Sure, you could say that the character acts in a way to drive the plot forward, but it's very enjoyable seeing all these crazy characters cross paths in the most unbelievable way. It will be interesting to see how the finale ties the sack together.
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Succession: Church and State (2023)
Season 4, Episode 9
When the world's best artists come together
23 May 2023
One of the best episodes of the show. No question about it. This is just a masterclass in television. This episode is full of big scenes, big speeches, and big twists. And everything is executed perfectly. I have not seen many other groups of people at the peak of their powers come together and create something this perfect.

All the Roy kids' performances are unlike nothing seen before. It feels so very real. You can write a thousand words about Snooks's facial expressions, Culkin's very real breakdown, Strong's nuanced performance and so on. The point is that I don't think I have ever seen so many jaw-dropping performances in the same show. And it's not only the Roy kids who put on a masterclass performance. Let's not even begin with the writing, but the writing is what allows all these actors to shine. What a phenomenal show.
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Thoughts from someone who doesn't watch the UFC
17 May 2023
McGregor is very likeable in this. All sports fans have seen McGregor's famous press conferences and some of his sports highlights. This is a great insight into the behind the scenes of the most influential MMA athlete ever.

It's enjoyable to see McGregor act humble and normal outside of his press conferences. He is a hard working father. Even haters will likely see McGregor in a different light after watching this. I used to think that he was not very nice, but after seeing this miniseries I appreciate him. He is a phenomenal athlete, entertainer and father. Say what you want about him but he sells tickets.

The episodes are very well shot. Fighting rarely look more beautiful than this. McGregor's training, fighting, movement and agility are beautiful to look at. So this is why it's called martial ARTS.
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Love & Death (2023)
Elizabeth Olsen steals the show.
29 April 2023
Jesse Plemons is a very underrated actor. He never fails to deliver a good performance. He is not as good as Elizabeth Olsen, but he is good. Elizabeth Olsen is fantastic. Her range is great and she makes this character very believable and sympathetic. Every time she is on screen it's hard to look away. Whatever she does is interesting. Is this the year she wins her well deserved Emmy? This performance could be the difference.

Like every other show from HBO, the visuals are amazing. The sets and the visual effects are spotless. Even if you find the story uninteresting I'm sure you could watch this show just because it's so beautiful to look at.
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Mystic River (2003)
That's one way to start a movie.
26 April 2023
Three boys are playing in the street when two pedophiles lure one of them into their car. The boy who was subjected to this (Tim Robbins) delivers a chilling and heartbreaking line "No more please". My heart broke into a thousand pieces. Robbins' character finally escapes, but their lives will never be the same. Incredible start to a movie. The men later reconnect after another terrible tragedy.

The domino effect is certainly interesting. Of course, you can sit and talk for hours about how small the chance is that you will even be born, but now we are talking about more trivial actions that can change so much. The film goes into this subject a bit and it is interesting. The traumatized boy's life was ruined because he happened to be in the wrong place that day.

The film has many good characters. Robbins, Penn and Bacon are phenomenal. Every character is interesting to follow. Robbins is phenomenal as the mentally damaged man. What he experienced as a child still hasn't left him, and without spoiling anything, it's a critical part of the story.

The biggest thing the film has going for it is the mystery. On several occasions I thought "what are the cops doing, even I can work this out", but then I'm proven completely wrong and the movie throws me back and forth like a rollercoaster. The plot is unpredictable, well written and interesting. My jaw dropped as the film began to put the final pieces of the puzzle in place. Goosebumps because it was so clever and powerful. One of the absolute best and darkest crime thrillers I've seen. Eastwood does it again.
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This is ART. It makes you think.
26 April 2023
Had the entire film continued on the track of the first half, it would have perhaps been better. The first half is terribly cruel and funny. The second half is also great, but not as enjoyable. But something that makes this movie great is that it's like three movies in one. The movie explores so many themes. Spending the whole movie is base camp would not have been able to do this. It's a fantastic picture.

The first half takes place in the base camp and the soldiers undergo training. The film starts out very funny (laughing out loud funny) and life in the navy looks great, but it quickly turns when a recruit goes crazy. Then the second half continues with misery and war.

It's one of the greatest anti-war films. How hard should you push your recruits? You need your soldiers to be tough, but abusing them untill they become insane killing machines? Think how much time and energy goes into training these people and how talented each individual is. But no one can do anything alone, it is only together that they can do any good. War leads nowhere but death.

Also good soundtrack which is so resoundingly important. A little Nancy Sinatra never hurts. This is a film that must be seen at some point. The film briefly touches on the dualism of man which is interesting.
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Jarhead (2005)
Study of Masculinity.
26 April 2023
Best scene ever when they watch the best scene ever (ride of the valkyries) and scream and sing. Chills all over the body. It was insanely powerful. Haven't seen many more powerful movies in my life.

This movie smells like men and my eyes are crying. Brotherhood and testosterone to spare. Then of course comes the setback and we are shown how terrible war is. The writing is just spectacular. This is the best written war movie ever. These guys just want to feel helpful in the war. They want to belong.

The ending is not what you would expect when you start watching the movie. The whole movie is spectacular but the last 15 minutes is otherwordly. It's tragic but also hopeful and beautiful in a way.

You can imagine that this is some B-roll because it looks a bit like that on the cover. Gyllenhaal also usually plays in some indies, but this one was shot by Roger Deakins so it's legit stuff. It looks absolutely phenomenal.

I felt like a changed man after seeing this movie. It oozes of testosterone. It's not just a "bro movie", it's a deep study of masculinity. I'm not smart enough to explain it. You will have to see it for yourself.
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Looks like it was filmed yesterday.
26 April 2023
Was awfully good until the romance started. I've seen it too many times and I can't bear to watch it. I want to see more of Sinatra who is very good by the way. He won an Oscar for this film and it was like a new start for his career.

Everyone looks like real movie stars. They are all so damn good looking. Lots of good characters but boring romance. Burt Lancaster is incredibly good. The film looks like it was filmed yesterday but in black and white. The scenes of the attack on Pearl Harbor are terrifyingly beautifully shot. Looks like they were filmed in 2030.

The film is based on a book that I haven't read, but I'm guessing it's not a very good film adaptation. Lancaster says Clift's character loved the Army more than anyone else. It is not very clear in my opinion. I can imagine in the book that you get to read his inner dialogues that show it more. It is also a long book so difficult to cut down to a 2-hour film.

I think the film is a bit shallow. There are some good topics and messages to work on, but it falls quite short of the finish line. It feels a bit half-baked. I can imagine that the book is quite a bit better. Apart from brilliant acting, the film doesn't have too much to offer. Good but also a bit too boring.
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