Christopher Reid and Christopher Martin, the stars of the original 1990 movie, both make cameo appearances in this film.
The movie was originally intended to be released on HBO Max before Warner Bros. decided to give it a 17 day exclusive theatrical release in 1400 theaters due to the studio's restructuring plan on relying less on direct-to-streaming films and more on theatrical releases following Discovery's acquisition of WarnerMedia from AT&T.
The song 'Who R U ' by relatively unknown Jamaican-British hip hop artist Travis Blaque had to be substituted out of the final cut of the film when it was discovered that permission had not been granted as the record label was unable to contact the artist. He had apparently dropped out of the music scene about 15 years previously and his whereabouts were unknown (a fact not helped by the fact that Travis Blacque turned out to be a pseudonym).
The opening Warner Bros./New Line Cinema logo uses New Line Cinema's 1987 variant logo accompanied by the New Line fanfare that actually made its debut four years after the release of the original House Party.