The show revolves around a rookie officer assigned to a patrol Division. LAPD Division patrol vehicles do not have front push bumpers, only Traffic Division vehicles have them.
Also, in some episodes, some officers wear a rank chevron with two rockers with a diamond. This designates a Detective 1 rank.
Also, in some episodes, some officers wear a rank chevron with two rockers with a diamond. This designates a Detective 1 rank.
Both Lopez and Harper worked their regular duty while they were pregnant.
Female officers are assigned desk duty when pregnant and would never be allowed to work full duty.
Female officers are assigned desk duty when pregnant and would never be allowed to work full duty.
The series is set in Los Angeles, California and throughout the series when police and emergency vehicles have their emergency lights on, they are missing a solid red light. According to the California Vehicle Code, all police and emergency vehicles are required to have at least one solid red light when the emergency lights are on facing forward.
Many episodes of this series (and its sister series, The Rookie: Feds) show vehicles being driven with their column-mounted gear selectors in the "Park" position.
Police cars do not have rear door handles on the inside but every time where it shows a friend or colleague in the back seat, there are door handles and they let themselves out.
When officers speak on the radio in the car shops, they are seen speaking in a Whelen Public Address (PA) Mic that is part of the siren system, not a Motola Mic for Radios.
During close-up shots of the officers holding duty weapons (pistols) on many occasions, especially with the titular character of John Nolan. The Brass Barrel of the Airsoft prop pistol is very visible. This would mean they did not have a 'hero prop' to use when getting tight shots.
Multiple times in the series, John says he drives a black Toyata Tundra, when the car he is shown driving is actually a Nissan Titan.