Maria Canals-Barrera credited as playing...
Catherine Thawley
- Judge Stennis: Young lady, your youth is no excuse for disturbing the sanctity of this court.
- Brooke Thawley: But this case is supposed to be about me. I'm almost 17 years old; it's not like I can't think for myself. I just don't have the right to speak.
- Catherine Thawley: Brooke, what are you doing?
- Judge Stennis: Not unless you are called as a witness, young lady.
- Tom Endler: [quietly to Grace] If I put her on the stand, what am I gonna hear?
- Grace Wesley: That she asked a question and I answered it.
- Tom Endler: Your Honor, we'd like to call Ms. Brooke Thawley to the stand.
- Pete Kane: Objection, Your Honor! Ms. Thawley is a minor. Her parents do not want her subjected to the emotional pressure of testifying against her own teacher.
- Judge Stennis: Ms. Thawley, are you willing to testify on your own behalf?
- Brooke Thawley: Yes, Your Honor.
- Judge Stennis: And do you understand that you will have to answer all the questions truthfully, regardless of your feelings, and that failure to do so is punishable by law?
- Brooke Thawley: Yes, Your Honor. I'm not afraid of telling the truth. I'm only afraid of not being able to tell it.
- Brooke Thawley: Can you give Marlene and I a ride to school today?
- Richard Thawley: I'm sorry, honey, I don't have time. I have an 8:30 with Marc Shelley at White & Wolfe.
- Catherine Thawley: What? Richard, you didn't say anything! How did you get the meeting?
- Richard Thawley: Well, it's just a meeting, so don't get too excited. But it could be huge.
- Catherine Thawley: I know! Who's going to the meeting with you?
- Richard Thawley: Hey, I got the meeting.
- Catherine Thawley: I know, I just think maybe you should take Melinda or Janice.
- Richard Thawley: Jan... Janice? You want me to take Janice?
- Catherine Thawley: Yeah, why not?
- Richard Thawley: I'm not taking Janice.
- Marlene: Rough morning?
- Brooke Thawley: You know my parents.
- Marlene: Maybe they just need a little more time.
- Brooke Thawley: I don't know about that. I'd say they're pretty over it.
- Marlene: My mom's making tacos tonight. I'll let her know you're coming.
- Brooke Thawley: It's not like they'll miss me.
- Catherine Thawley: [stopping by them on the way out of the driveway] Brooke, I'm serious, honey. You need to get focused or you could say, "Goodbye Stanford, hello Somewhere State."
- Brooke Thawley: Got it.
- Marlene: [as Catherine drives away] Yikes.
- Catherine Thawley: The last thing we need is a bunch of religious fanatics protesting outside of our house.
- Pete Kane: We'll work to keep it out of the media for now. But next year, when you're applying to all the colleges, you'll be able to tell the story of how Brooke was part of a landmark constitutional case concerning the separation of church and state. And believe me, there is not an Ivy League admissions board that could resist that. And think of the other children out there, innocent children who are subjected to their repressive belief system.
- Simon Boyle: And not forgetting the financial opportunities.
- Pete Kane: Yes. Ms. Wesley is an employee of the school board. We win in court and we establish her misconduct as said paid employee, well, there's nothing that changes policy faster than a big, expensive settlement.