X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) Poster

James McAvoy: Professor Charles Xavier



  • Charles Xavier : The world's already begun rebuilding its arsenals.

    Erik Lensherr : It's human nature, Charles.

    Charles Xavier : I still have hope.

    Erik Lensherr : [wry laugh]  Oh, yes. Hope.

    Charles Xavier : I was right about Raven. I was even right about you.

    Erik Lensherr : What about the rest of the world? Doesn't it ever wake you up in the middle of the night? The feeling that one day they'll come for you, and your children?

    Charles Xavier : It does indeed.

    Erik Lensherr : What do you do when you wake up to that?

    Charles Xavier : I feel a great swell of pity for the poor soul that comes to my school looking for trouble.

  • [reciting Apocalypse's message to the world] 

    Charles Xavier : This message is for one reason alone: to tell the strongest among you...

    Apocalypse : Those with the greatest power, this earth will be yours!

    Charles Xavier : Those with the greatest power... protect those without. That's my message to the world.

  • Apocalypse : It's over, Charles. You're finished. You're mine now.

    Charles Xavier : You will never win.

    Apocalypse : And why is that?

    Charles Xavier : Because you are alone... and I am not.

    [Jean Grey appears] 

  • Charles Xavier : You sure I can't convince you to stay?

    Erik Lensherr : You're psychic, Charles. You can convince me to do anything.

    Charles Xavier : Goodbye, old friend.

    Erik Lensherr : Good luck, Professor.

  • Charles Xavier : Alex, destroy Cerebro! Wreak havoc!

  • Charles Xavier : I told you from the moment I met you, there is more to you, Erik. There is good in you, too.

    Erik Lensherr : Whatever it is you think you saw in me, Charles, I buried it with my family.

  • Moira MacTaggert : [opens a CIA folder]  Ever since the world found out about mutants in '73, there have been cults who see them as some kind of second coming or sign of God. I was tracking one of them. They call themselves Ashir En Sabah Nur, named after an ancient being they believe to be the world's first.

    Alex Summers : World's first what?

    Moira MacTaggert : The world's first mutant.

    Alex Summers : I thought mutants didn't evolve till this century.

    Moira MacTaggert : That's the common theory, yes, but these guys believe that the first mutant was born tens of thousands of years ago and they believe he will rise again. They've been searching ancient sites all around the world for clues. These hieroglyphs describe the specific set of powers greater than any man can possess.

    Charles Xavier : Do you think he lived in all that time?

    Moira MacTaggert : Yes and no. They believe that he had the ability to transfer his consciousness from body to body and whenever he was close to death, he would just take on a new body. Some of these made with the bodies of mutants, enabling him to take their powers amassing various abilities over the years.

    Charles Xavier : An all-powerful mutant?

    Moira MacTaggert : Exactly. And wherever this being was, he always had four principle followers, disciples, protectors he would imbue with powers.

    Alex Summers : Like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. He got that one from the Bible

    Moira MacTaggert : Or the Bible got it from him? And wherever he ruled, eventually it would end in disaster, cataclysm, some kind of... apocalypse.

    Charles Xavier : The end of the world...

  • Charles Xavier : [senses Apocalypse with Cerebro]  I've never felt power like this before...

    [his eyes go black] 

  • Charles Xavier : Thank you for letting me in.

  • [first lines] 

    Charles Xavier : Mutants: born with extraordinary abilities, and yet still, they are children stumbling in the dark, searching for guidance. A gift can often be a curse. Give someone wings, and they may fly too close to the sun. Give them the power of prophecy, and they may live in fear of the future. Give them the greatest gift of all, powers beyond imagination, and they may think they are meant to rule the world.

  • Charles Xavier : Think of your wife, think of your daughter. What would they have wanted?

    Magneto : They would have wanted to live.

  • Charles Xavier : [using Cerebro]  It's her.

    Hank McCoy : Who?

    Charles Xavier : Moira.

    Hank McCoy : Wha- Moira MacTaggert?

    Charles Xavier : Mhmm.

    Hank McCoy : Give me the details.

    Charles Xavier : Well, she looks amazing. She's barely aged a day.

  • Hank McCoy : You wanna go see Moira.

    Charles Xavier : I wanna go check her out- check out... the situation.

    [clears throat] 

  • Jean Grey : [wakes up from a nightmare]  I saw the end of the world. I could feel all this death...

    Charles Xavier : Jean, it was just a dream.

  • [psychic battle] 

    Charles Xavier : You're in my house now!

    Apocalypse : [starts to grow]  You'll need a bigger house.

  • Charles Xavier : Oh God... he can control all of us!

  • Charles Xavier : Once you know the extent of your power, then you can learn to control it.

  • Alex Summers : [about Moira]  So you really haven't seen her in all these years? And you never looked her up? Not even in Cerebro?

    Charles Xavier : [chuckles]  Alex, what do you take me for, some kind of pervert? I- Yes, I looked her up once. Twice, but not in a long time, alright?

  • Raven : They still hate and fear us. It's just harder to see because they're more polite about it. I got sick of living that lie.

    Charles Xavier : And that's why you're not in your natural blue form.

    Raven : I'm not gonna be the face of a world that doesn't exist.

  • Apocalypse : [crafts a helmet for Erik]  A gift, to honor your past life and your future role.

    Charles Xavier : And what about me? Do I have any role to play in this madness?

    Apocalypse : You have the most important role of all...

    [straps Charles down on a table] 

    Apocalypse : Despite my long life, there is one thing I can not do that you can: be everywhere... be everyone.

    Charles Xavier : No... no! Get out! GET OUT!

  • [deleted scene] 

    Charles Xavier : [to Storm]  You're not comfortable with all this, are you? You're not like them.

    Ororo Munroe : Don't try to get in my head.

    Charles Xavier : I don't have to read your mind to know what it is you're thinking. You're not a killer.

    Ororo Munroe : You don't know me. You didn't grow up in a place where superstition and dark religion hold a lot more sway than your degrees, Professor. I barely survived my own village, my own family. They all thought I was a curse on the Earth.

    Charles Xavier : Are you going to prove them right? Are you going to prove them right?

  • Charles Xavier : It's all of us, against a god!

  • Charles Xavier : He means to destroy this world... billions of people killed.

  • Charles Xavier : The first step in understanding one's power is learning the extent of it. Only then can we begin the process of teaching you how to control it. If you do decide to stay, I can promise you that by the time you're done here, you'll be able to go back into the world and play a stable and productive part in it. Why don't you take your bandages off and we can have a look at what we're dealing with here? Alex, would you line him up? Face him in the right direction, as it were. There's a target just across the water. When you open your eyes, try and hit that.

    [Scott removes his bandages] 

    Charles Xavier : You can open your eyes, Scott. There's nothing to be afraid of. It's quite...

    [as Scott opens his eyes, his powers wreak havoc] 

    Charles Xavier : My grandfather planted that tree when I was five years old. I-I used to swing from the branches of it myself.

    [said tree splits in two and falls to the ground] 

    Charles Xavier : I think that was probably my favorite tree.

    Scott Summers : Does that mean I'm expelled?

    Charles Xavier : Oh, on the contrary. You're enrolled.

  • Alex Summers : [going to see Moira]  How did you leave things? Any hard feelings?

    Charles Xavier : Not likely.

    [freezing the room] 

    Charles Xavier : Everybody take a break. I wiped her mind of all memories of us. The beach, Cuba... that whole time. It was so long ago, Alex. Before the world knew about mutants. I felt it was the best thing for her.

    Alex Summers : And for you?

    Charles Xavier : Didn't really matter what was best for me.

  • Charles Xavier : We were hoping that you would tell us about what happened yesterday in Egypt.

    Moira MacTaggert : I'm afraid that's classified information. And I don't mean to be rude... but how did you get in here?

    Charles Xavier : I have level-five clearance.

  • Charles Xavier : Things are better. The world is better.

    Raven : Maybe in Westchester. Out there, mutants are still running, hiding, living in fear. Just because there's not a war doesn't mean there's peace. You want to teach your kids something, teach them that. Teach them to fight. Otherwise, they might as well live in this house for the rest of their lives.

    Charles Xavier : You still sound just like him. You sound just like Erik.

    Raven : That's why I'm here. He's resurfaced. He had a wife and a child. They were killed. Along with a handful of policemen.

    Charles Xavier : The whole world will be looking for him.

    Raven : But you can help me find him before they do.

  • Moira MacTaggert : What are those?

    Charles Xavier : Those are all the humans of the world.

    [some turn red] 

    Charles Xavier : And these... are all the mutants. I'm connected to all of their minds.

    Moira MacTaggert : The CIA would kill for this.

    Charles Xavier : I know they would.

  • Charles Xavier : You're blocking me. How?

    Apocalypse : I can shield their minds from your power. It's one of the many gifts I've acquired throughout the millenia. But to see inside a mind... to control it... that's your gift. You saw it, didn't you? The glory of what's to come.

    Charles Xavier : You're going to take part in all this killing and destruction?

    Erik Lensherr : It's all I've ever known.

    Charles Xavier : No, it isn't. You've just forgotten.

    Erik Lensherr : No, Charles, I remember. Your way doesn't work.

    Apocalypse : I've shown him a better way. A better world.

    Charles Xavier : No, you've just tapped into his rage and pain. That's all you've done.

  • Raven : [after bumping into Moira]  Charles, why didn't she recognize me? She knew me in this form.

    Charles Xavier : Well, after you left me on the beach in Cuba, I took her memories of that time. Have a seat.

    Raven : Lucky girl.

  • Charles Xavier : It's good to see you, Raven. Welcome home.

    Raven : This isn't my home.

    Charles Xavier : It was once.

    Raven : No, it was your home. I just lived here. And I barely even recognize it now.

    Charles Xavier : You know, I have plans for this place. I mean to turn it into a real campus. A university. Not just for mutants, either, for humans too. Living and working, growing together.

    Raven : You know, I really believed that once. I really believed we could change them after D.C.

    Charles Xavier : We did.

  • Moira MacTaggert : Charles, do you know where you are?

    Charles Xavier : I'm on a beach. In Cuba. With you.

    Moira MacTaggert : What beach?

    Charles Xavier : [restoring her memories]  I'm sorry. I should never have taken those from you.

  • Charles Xavier : Hello, Scott. Welcome to the School for the Gifted.

    Scott Summers : Yeah. It doesn't exactly feel like a gift.

    Charles Xavier : It never does, at first.

  • Charles Xavier : [entering Cerebro]  Moira, I'm going to have to ask you to keep this a secret.

    Moira MacTaggert : I don't even know what this is.

    Raven : It's Cerebro. The new model.

See also

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