Haruka Sakura has no interest in weaklings, only the strongest fighters. Starting at Furin High, a school known for student brawlers who protect their town, Haruka seeks to battle his way to the top.
Welcome to Furin High School, an institution infamous for its population of brawny brutes who solve every conflict with a show of strength. Some of the students even formed a group, Bofurin, which protects the town. Haruka Sakura, a first-year student who moved in from out of town, is only interested in one thing: fighting his way to the top.—Crunchyroll
Haruka Sakura is only interested in the most powerful of the strong; he has no desire to connect with weaklings. He recently enrolled in Furin High School, a filthy educational institution defined exclusively by physical prowess, which they use to deter evildoers from their town. But Haruka only wants to fight his way to the top; he doesn't care about being a hero or a member of any group.—Bilibili TV