Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV Series 2013–2021) Poster


Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

  • Occasional and discreet references to fetishes. Charles Boyle is quite obsessed with Jake's love/sex life.
  • Very frequent sexual jokes and innuendos, but nothing overly revealing or sexual
  • A character in the show uses unintentional sexual innuendos frequently
  • The use of sexual content can be verbally offensive when in one episode, Boyle says: "Sexy train on the move! See ya, sluts."
  • Not referenced in the show, but Boyle has dated 3 women and had sex with 2.
  • Some use of slut.
  • The word prostitute is often used.
  • Normal amount of nudity. In some episodes a lady and Boyle are naked while wrapped in a blanket.
  • In one episode officer Pimento tells Rosa he is going to "Lick her body clean like a kitty cat"
  • In Season 3 episode 20 you can see paintings of naked lady's in the background in the restaurant but you can only see their rear ends.
  • In episode 7 of season 1 Amy Santiago can be seen in a blue button up shirt with no bra.
  • Not too bad. Some humorous sexual innuendos. Mentions of the word "sex" a few times and "does this include sex", but sex is never shown.

Violence & Gore

  • Occasionally people get shot and there is blood.
  • Graphic homicide photos are sometimes shown as it is a police precinct.
  • There is lots of destruction of property and comedic fistfights
  • In a couple of episodes, there are flashbacks to a character getting beaten to a bloody pulp.
  • An autopsy scene where two people wave organs around and make sound with them.
  • Bloody comedic violence is frequent
  • Two uses of a bloody cut off finger.
  • Slapstick crime-fighting. Characters use and fire weapons, but the overall tone is light: some physical comedy in TV sitcom.


  • From season three onwards, the word 'dick' is occasionally used
  • Starting with season 6 stronger coarse language begins to be used, but it is bleeped.
  • No bad language but in season 6 they say the words "Fuck", "Shit" "Cock" slightly frequently, but they are censored out, all of the vulgar language is censored
  • Bastard is thrown around a lot.
  • Season 6 onwards the word "cuck" is ocasionally used.
  • A use of BS.
  • In Season 1-5, there are only mild-moderate language including "hell", "damn", "bastard", "ass", "tits", "bitch", "dick" (from Season 3-8), "slut" and "BS" (but not use as phase). However in Season 6-8, severe language such as "fuck", "shit" and "cock" are used, but censored.
  • Mild language (i.e.: "damn", "hell", "ass" "bitch" and some sexual language such as boner.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Antagonists are occasionally seen using cocaine.
  • The detectives are usually seen drinking alcohol after they complete their mission.
  • There is a form of ecstasy in the show called "Gigglepig".
  • In one episode you see how to take cocaine.
  • Some episode cases involve arresting drug dealers.
  • Amy smokes.
  • Use of F train.
  • One of the characters are caught snorting cocaine in a bathroom. It isn't graphic though and it ends quickly.
  • An antagonist is addicted to drugs and frequently makes references to it. Talks about meth cocaine and angel dust.
  • Mild stuff, but it played for humor overall.
  • Some drinking in social situations. characters are sometimes drunk since it is a cop show there are many drug references mainly to weed crack and ecstacy, and cocaine.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Mildly frightening scenes are present, there are occasionally suspenseful or intense scenes, but overall it is a pretty lighthearted show
  • All the mild intense scenes are undercut with comedy
  • Amy is occassionally shown smoking throughout the series. Her habits stem from anxiety and mental pressure, and can be triggering for those who can relate to the same issue.
  • There's an episode where Terry suffers racism from another cop, and is heartbreaking.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • In one scene Amy and Jake are seen laying bed naked under the covers (nothing is seen) and they say well we broke one rule implying sex
  • In one scene, Jake and Amy are seen lying in bed together and it is implied that they had sex. In season 7, there is mild talk about sex as Jake and Amy are trying to have a baby.
  • Season 7 onwards Amy and Jake imply in various scenes that they had sex
  • In season six they joke about a broken penis, nothing is shown except for what they call a "diaper"
  • Amy gives birth in the last episode of season 7. Nothing explicit is shown but there are multiple exclaims made by Rosa.
  • When jake is going to prison, boyles pubic hair is turned white. He says "all my hair is white, all. Of. It" but then terry immediately exclaims "i get it, you got white pubes", later on boyle is in a wheelchair and he says "my back gave out when i was dying my pubes, its like a eagles concert down there"

Violence & Gore

  • Episode-specific details have been deleted. Only provide series or season details. Episode specific items should be added to the episode.
  • There is a scene where a character cuts off his thumb on accident, blood and the thumb is shown
  • One episode ends with Gina being totally unexpectedly being run over by a bus at high speed, with the associated crunch sound. It's supposed to be funny.
  • When jake and captain holt are running from the cops, they jump over a fence. Captain holt is then seen with a metal pole impaling his leg. A tiny amount of blood is on his pants.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • A series arc centres around a form of ecstasy called giggle pig
  • In season 7, officer Debbie steals lots of cocaine and then sniffs most of it.
  • Detectives Charles, Jake, and Scully are looking for Hitchcock and are shown amongst a large amount of marijuana in pots in a layer of antagonists. Young people might not recognize the plant and the characters never specify if it is in fact, marijuana. Doesn't look like real marijuana however. Most likely a prop.
  • Meth mentioned, talked about, and showed used in one scene - the meth is concealed in a bar of soap, and a character uses it ignorantly and becomes very high.

See also

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