This show had potential to be a successful TV show but after it got near the end of the series they sort of rushed it to a final episode where the last few contestants were voted by America or facebook.
I don't know why they didn't add more episodes for the final contestants maybe it was because of budget costs or low ratings but for me that was a total letdown. So let me tell you what I like about the show when it was going great, one was I liked the Rock and his philosophy and beliefs to be a hero and thats it.
Unfortunately what I didn't like was the way the challenges are handled out to be a hero. If they had challenges where they are feeding the poor, helping the sick or have scenarios of what they would do in a real life situation it would make sense to name the show "The Hero". Instead we got challenges thats only self worthy of a survivor game show, they were rappling off high sky buildings which they did a lot and some other running around. The only thing the show was doing determining who was a hero or not was by testing temptation for money or give the money to the hospital.
That doesn't make you a hero if your completing challenges just for the sake of it, just to prove to yourself. They portray money as if its the key to helping people by giving it to the hospital which is not their money to begin with its the sponsors or studio.
Would I recommend this show no. Im a rock fan but I still felt cheated they didn't finish the show properly.