San Andreas (2015)
Carla Gugino: Emma Gaines
Emma : You left my daughter alone? If you're not already dead, I'm going to fucking kill you.
Raymond Gaines : I wanna thank you guys for being there for Blake.
Emma Gaines : Yeah, thank you.
Ben Taylor : You're welcome. But it was more like she was there for us. I think.
[last lines]
Emma Gaines : So, what now?
Raymond Gaines : [Rescue helicopters fly overheard. An American flag unfurls] Now, we rebuild.
[before jumping out of the plane]
Raymond Gaines : You ready?
Emma Gaines : Do I sound ready?
Raymond Gaines : Yep.
Raymond Gaines : [after shutting down the helicopter engine] I'm going to have to auto-rotate down.
Emma Gaines : Au-auto... what?
Raymond Gaines : We're gonna crash.
Emma Gaines : Right. Okay.
Emma Gaines : [about Mallory] If you couldn't save our daughter, then nobody could have.
[after Emma is told that Daniel cowardly abandoned her daughter, she furiously calls him]
Emma Gaines : You left my daughter alone? If you're not already dead, I'm going to fucking kill you!