13 Reasons Why (TV Series 2017–2020) Poster


Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

  • A man's butt is shown in a changing room, but it is not sexual.
  • In Season 2, there are a few mild sex scenes distributed throughout, and although no nudity is directly seen, it is obvious the characters are having sex. There are also scenes of both girls and boys in their underwears, and there are pictures that are shown multiple times of a boy's bare buttocks.
  • Season 2 contains sexual themes that are more prevalent than the first season. Multiple shots of male rear ends, shirtless females from behind, and on one occasion, even full frontal male nudity.
  • In Season 2, there is a scene showing a topless woman on a video from behind.
  • In Season 2, rape is referenced to throughout the whole season, but nothing very explicit.
  • Also, in Season 2, there are polaroid pictures showing a rape taking place with the rapist's buttocks revealed.
  • In Season 2, there is a scene of a high school boy receiving a lap dance with female nudity from behind. However, this video is briefly shown again in another episode.
  • In Season 2, there is a brief glimpse of bare female buttocks right before implied sex.
  • Sexual situations and sexual dialogue is spoken repeatedly throughout the series and in both seasons. As such, one of the main themes is how an innocent teenage girl is repeatedly regarded as a 'slut' or 'easy' following rumours of her sexual conquests.
  • There are a few scenes of sexual assault and harassment but they are never graphic or extended.
  • Multiple sex scenes are shown onscreen in Season 3.
  • There is a scene where rape survivors stand up to say they are survivors, and this scene is inspiring, not dark.
  • A few sex scenes in Season 4, but the scenes are settled, and they only last 2 minutes or less.
  • A sex scene with kissing, thrusting, and moaning that takes 30 seconds long.
  • sex scenes become less graphic in the later seasons.
  • As an act of protest teen girls run onto a football feild in undergarments and body paint.
  • The sexual content is not overt or graphic, but there are references to rape, a few brief scenes of uncomfortable sexual harassment (nothing graphic or too disturbing) and some sexual acts. Also, the sex is nothing to be worried about.
  • Several scenes of gratuitous male nudity. No female nudity at all.
  • The series involves sexual situations and dialogue in some episodes. There are some occasions of depictions of harassment, nudity and masturbation, but most of the only actual nudity involves male buttocks, but in Season 2, there are a few instances of female nudity.
  • Season 1 contains sexual situations and dialogue, but the most extreme instance occurs later in the season where a girl is briefly assaulted and harassed, and this scene is around 1 minute long towards the end of one episode. No nudity is shown, just the victim's face. However, there are some instances of sexual acts without explicit nudity. For example, teens make love in a park, an implied masturbation scene and a couple of boys show their butts in a mocking manner.

Violence & Gore

  • In Season 2, there is a little violence distributed throughout. However, a few fights break out between people, and people occasionally hurt themselves by hitting or punching walls.
  • Violence is infrequent, but when it happens, it can get a little intense with a little blood. Sometimes however, it goes out of control and it can be very violent and disturbing.
  • Season 3 introduces the topic of an abortion and it shows a played down scene of the intensity behind getting one, with machines, sounds, sucking noises. It should be mentioned that this subject matter is not only shown, but the depression of the aftermath as well for the character involved.
  • In Season 3, Alex violently threatens Monty by pulling out a knife to stay away from Tyler. However, nothing happens.
  • Attempts of gun violence.
  • Clay pretends to have a gun and scares people at a police station during a breakdown.
  • The show does have some violent images and some blood, but no gore.
  • Season 3 doesn't have much violence until the end, but mostly just a few fights.
  • Bryce is slapped across the face by his mother in one episode.
  • The overall graphic nature escalates as the show progresses. The early episodes involved various fights among characters but as it progresses, it becomes much more triggering.
  • In Season 1, there's relatively little to no violence in the early episodes. For example, a girl slaps her friend, but as the season continues, the violence intensifies; there's a scene midway through the season involving suicide, and this is graphic but brief. However, teen suicide, with various bloody dream sequences starts to become more common and graphic, and the fights, which weren't super violent early in the season are more violent and graphic. Most notably, later in the season, there is a very graphic, bloody and disturbing scene which is very hard to watch.


  • Lots of swearing, with many uses of "shit" and "fuck".
  • Very frequent cursing including "fuck", "shit", "damn", "assholes", "sucks" and name-calling such as "idiot".
  • There is a lot of swearing throughout the show. Words like "shit", "fuck" and "bitch" are used very casually in everyday conversation. Also, the word "faggot" is used a lot by one character, and girls are also called whores and sluts a lot.
  • Cunt is shown written on a bathroom door in S1E3.
  • Fuck is used 252 times in season 1. Cunt is seen written on a school bathroom wall briefly in episode 3.
  • Season 2 has 414 uses of fuck.
  • Fuck is used 466 times in season 3.
  • Season 4 has 458 uses of fuck.
  • The show has 1,590 uses of fuck and 1 use of cunt.
  • A lot of cursing and derogatory terms used throughout. Words like "slut", "whore", referring to someone as 'easy', and words like "bitch", "shit", and "fuck".

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Underage drinking and drug use is also not as frequent but strong.
  • Season 1 has many scenes of drinking. Heavy drinking. Season 2 introduces drugs. Some scenes of smoking in the series. In some scene s there is charecters smoking weed out of a bong
  • There is a plot line revolving around substance misuse in a teenager. This details withdrawal, addiction and dependence.
  • Various occasions of drug paraphernalia being shown used by teenagers. Including visible injections and using makeshift apparatus for heroin use.
  • Extended scene where a group of teenagers take drugs together, and experience a high. There is also details of the come down the next day.
  • Plotline revolving around a young teenager suffering from alcoholism. Various alcoholic behaviours shown, including drinking at school.
  • Scene of a heroin overdose of a young person.
  • Plotline revolving around illicit steroid use in young people for performance enhancing purposes.
  • Justin's mom smokes a cigarette (brief)
  • Marijuana dealing is important in the 1st season. A major charecter is seen being come to for marijauna in a couple of scenes of bags of marijuana are seen. People are shown smoking marijuana in the first season too like bongs
  • Alcohol, drugs and smoking aren't uncommon throughout the series. While it's not the primary focus, there's underage drinking and drug use.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Some rape scenes are prolonged.
  • Overall, there are a lot of emotional scenes that can upset and traumatize sensitive viewers, like disturbing scenes of suicide, bullying, drug and alcohol abuse and sexual harassment.
  • Some of the characters, but mainly Clay, experience a lot of dissociating and hallucinations. Some include ghosts of dead people, but some are really disturbing.
  • Clay's panic attacks and breakdowns are very intense and they sometimes include hallucinations and dissociating.
  • Season 4 has a much darker, scary vibe than the 3 other seasons.
  • This show may be triggering to those who have struggled with suicidal thoughts. Also, other triggering topics include sexual assault, drug abuse and gun violence.
  • Some episodes have a content warning before the start. Don't take them lightly, as they show certain topics without holding back.
  • In Season 1, the issue of rape is dealt with a lot in the last 4 episodes. The issue is not dealt lightly and it is presented in a rather daunting way.
  • Hannah's suicide scene lasts for a few minutes. There is a lot of blood and is the most graphic, painful scene of the season. However, it may be triggering or upsetting to viewers whether they have been in a similar situation or not.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • It's revealed Justin did sex work for money when he was homeless.
  • Justin tells Jessica he was raped by one of his mothers ex boyfriends.
  • Some moments of teen sexuality, including masturbation and some make-out scenes. One explicit scene of two teens having sex; lots of thrusting but no nudity. A teen shares a photo he took up a girl's skirt showing her underwear. A character keeps trying to have sex but has difficulties due to his emotional state. A character becomes pregnant and has an abortion. A character does sex work while homeless and contracts HIV, eventually dying of AIDS.
  • There is a scene where a boy is video chatting a porn star on his laptop. She removes her bra and her breasts and nipples are exposed and visible
  • Tyler has a few scenes where he reveals to characters that he was raped by monty

Violence & Gore

  • When Hannah kills herself in the original version of the Season 1 finale (this can be intense and scary for some), she cuts her arm with a razor blade, and blood comes out of the cut. When her parents find her, the bathtub she is in is red with blood. This is for sure one of the most graphic scenes of the show, and the most disturbing. However, after backlash, Netflix removed the suicide scene, and all we see is the aftermath.
  • In Season 2, Tyler is sodomised into his rectum by Monty which is very graphic and Monty shows no remorse.
  • At the very end of season one you see that Alex has shot himself.
  • Justin's mother dies, her death isn't seen only talked about and revealed.
  • Clay has a panic attack with violent hallucinations, he sees Monty dying when in reality it's a dummy for a prank, he tries to save him as he bleeds out, he's covered in fake blood from a shower from a prank by jocks, he goes out covered in fake blood with a knife in front of everyone.
  • Bryce dies in season 3. He is first beaten by Zach, and Zach breaks his leg, then Alex comes later on, and ends up pushing him into the water

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • At the beginning of season 2, Justin does heroin and is affected by it the next morning.
  • Teens drink at parties with no noticeable consequences. A character is a heroin addict; we see him with paraphernalia and obviously high. Later he detoxes with the help of his friends. Clay's friend group does Molly together. Another character does cocaine and steroids are a major plot device in the third season.
  • Justin is showing to be a big drug user. Smoking weed, and in season 2, he's a heroin addict, and relapses in season 3 again

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • In Season 2, Tyler is bashed into a mirror, a sink, and has his head dunked in a toilet and is forcefully sodomized by a mop handled into his rectum by Monty. The scene is very disturbing and sudden, and yhis causes Tyler to plan a school shooting at an upcoming dance which can also be very disturbing to some viewers.
  • In Season 4, one of the main characters dies in a hospital. This scene lasts for several minutes, and it is extremely sad.
  • In Season 4, Clay tries to die by going inside of a police station and yelling that he has a gun. However, a police officer eventually calms him down.
  • Justin's story is quite sad. Season 1 reveals he is abused by his mom's boyfriends, and he runs away in season 2, and becomes a junkie. Season 3 shows him relapse, and season 4, he is killed off by aids, after his drug abuse, and being a male escort during season 2
  • Bryce and monty are by far, the most scariest characters on the show. Both are evil, and do the worst things on the show
  • The ending of season 2 is very sad, followed by a shocking finale

See also

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