1 of 3 found this mild
mild sexual references
a man indicates to a woman that he is about to perform oral sex on her
a few kissing scenes
a man listens to his wife having sex with another man (nothing shown, just moaning can be heard)
1 of 2 found this moderate
two men have every ounce of blood sucked out of them by a Mosquito man
a woman has the blood sucked out of her while laying on a bed
a man jumps off a building
A man has the life sucked out of him when a sucker goes through his ear
a few fist fights
1 of 1 found this moderate
Mild coarse language
1 of 1 found this mild
Some drinking and mild drug use.
1 of 1 found this mild
the Mosquito man might be frightening to younger viewers. Although its a comedy, it has a very dark tone to it.