Baxter is a half-hour live-action comedy that follows Baxter McNab and his friends on their journey through the unique, high-energy world that is Northern Star School of the Arts. At this sc... Read allBaxter is a half-hour live-action comedy that follows Baxter McNab and his friends on their journey through the unique, high-energy world that is Northern Star School of the Arts. At this school where the students will do anything they can to stand out, the stress of a math test ... Read allBaxter is a half-hour live-action comedy that follows Baxter McNab and his friends on their journey through the unique, high-energy world that is Northern Star School of the Arts. At this school where the students will do anything they can to stand out, the stress of a math test is nothing compared to that dance solo, or music recital, or monologue, or - you get the i... Read all