Beautiful Creatures (2013)
Alice Englert: Lena Duchannes
Lena Duchannes : There's a new world, Mama. It ain't all dark, and it ain't all light, and it ain't all ours.
Lena Duchannes : I could hear the sound. The sound was me breaking. I cried because he had lived, because he had died. I was shattered. I was saved. I only knew the girl I was, was gone. He was right. No good could come from loving a mortal. They can't survive our world. Get out, go Ethan. Claim yourself, in defiance, in hope, in love, in fury, in gratitude. Claim the light. Claim the dark, Claim it all. Nothing can stay.
Lena Duchannes : ...My family's... different.
Ethan Wate : Different how?
Lena Duchannes : We do things... We do *different* things...
Ethan Wate : So, what--you're from Europe?
Lena Duchannes : Bless your heart, sugar. You must have been first in your litter.
Lena Duchannes : Ethan, promise me one thing: it will be a perfectly normal human date.
Ethan Wate : I swear. I won't even call you after the date.
Lena Duchannes : Jerk.
Ethan Wate : Witch.
Lena Duchannes : Jock.
Ethan Wate : I'm Ethan Wate.
Lena Duchannes : Ethan Wate? You mean *the* Ethan Wate drove me home?
Ethan Wate : You've... You've heard of me?
Lena Duchannes : No.
Ethan Wate : Your gonna think I'm so uncool.
Lena Duchannes : It's OK. I don't think you're cool now.
Ethan Wate : Is it good?
Lena Duchannes : Define good.
Lena Duchannes : Genevieve used the forbidden spell to give life to the one she loved. To break the curse, the one that I love has to die.
Lena Duchannes : You can't help it, can you?
Ethan Wate : What?
Lena Duchannes : Fitting in anywhere, drooling charm.
Ethan Wate : I never know whether you're insulting me or not.
Lena Duchannes : I'm sorry.
Ethan Wate : Hey, I like it. If it makes any difference, uh, I like you.
Macon Ravenwood : Lena, why don't you play something for our guest?
Lena Duchannes : Because we're not in a Jane Austen novel.