This one is a thank you for all the people out there during and after the attacks at BAZ and Maalbeek. It's a bit dramatized and incomplete, but that's okay. This isn't the story of what happened, nor who is to blame. The choice of a Muslim main character may very well have been to show not all Muslims are behind the attack, but it doesn't bother me. She isn't portrayed as a Muslim, for all we know she isn't even practicing. It's not about religion. People of all religions were helping out when it happened.
This story is about "us", the ones who were there that day and the following days. Who saw those first-line victims running away from the airport, listening to their stories about the attacks. Helping them to find their stuff, or their way home. They were the first to tell us something was going on, and we were unkowingly their first contact after it happened.
I was working in a nearby trainstation that day, and to me, this series captures the way we felt and still feel when meeting people who were at the Airport or Maalbeek that day. Some of us ran off, others stayed and tried to help where we could, each on his own level, with what possibilities we had. It's an honest portrait. This is an appreciation for all of us who have been in similar situations, trying to help.