Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) Poster

Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated R for intense sequences of violence throughout, and for disturbing images

Sex & Nudity

  • Several young female sex slaves, one visibly pregnant, are featured scantily clad throughout.
  • Many obese deformed topless female slaves are hooked up to milking machines. Their nipples are covered by the attachments.
  • A naked woman is seen crouching on top of a tower & sliding down a rope. Her body angle and the rope obscure her genitals. Her long hair covers her breasts. Her buttocks are visible.
  • Several scantily clad female sex slaves are shown removing chastity belts. Some have a gap in the crotch surrounded by spikes.
  • Many scenes show a female sex slave featured braless with breast & erect nipple details seen through white attire.

Violence & Gore

  • There are several instances of gun violence.
  • A woman wounds a man with a double-crossbow, sending a long dart right below the man's eye and through to the back of his head and another bolt into his chest with some blood flow; the wounded man jumps off a tall vehicle and slams two spears into another vehicle, which explodes and presumably kills him.
  • We briefly see a chainsaw cut into a man, with some blood spraying.
  • People get ran over by huge cars countless times throughout
  • A brutal brawl breaks out between three main characters, they are pistol whipped and tackled to the ground.
  • A war boy is pistol whipped in the face with blood spurts.
  • The violence is almost completely bloodless until the last 30 minutes, where blood and gore become much more frequent.
  • A man is shot from a far distance. We later see that both of his eyes got shot. Blood is all over his wounds.
  • Movie is very intense but violence is rarely graphic.
  • Very graphic violence towards the end, including a woman getting cut by a chainsaw, a very graphic gunshot wound in a man's abdomen, a man's eye getting shot (we see the bloody hole where it used to be), and a man's face being ripped off (onscreen, lots of blood) - we then later see this man's face with a gory hole in it.
  • While certainly not bloodless, most of the violence is very fast-paced and brief so a lot of the injury detail is hard to make out.
  • Though actual gore is kept to a minimum, there are frequent scenes of violence and very long vehicular chase scenes. These include scenes where people fight or are shot. However, injury detail is very limited.
  • Many people are shot but it cuts before the actual gore is seen. But sometimes it is seen.


  • The post-apocalyptic culture in the movie has its own slang and cuss words, so no actual foul English language as we know it is heard.
  • A couple of uses of bollocks and schlanger
  • One use of the F-word.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Several of the mechanics/war boys spray their faces with spray paint and you can see they are affected by this like a drug. Similar to huffing.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The film deals with mature themes about oppression, use of violence against women, starvation, global destruction, and other such things.
  • The film features numerous intense, crazy car chases that host scarred, disfigured, and unnatural individuals. The dark, twisted themes of survival, preservation, and violence are lightened by the presence of slight comic relief and over-the-top action. The movie is half action and half thriller, most of the villains look disfigured and therefore creepy. The film is very intense because it is basically one long car chase and will keep its viewers on the edge of their seats.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • Imperator Furiosa, attacks Immortan Joe as he drives his big rig vehicle, she grabs the chain connected to his breathing mask and throws it in the tires of his rig, it is then violently ripped from his face, graphically ripping out his jaws and nose and killing him, with lots of blood and gore spraying everywhere. Very graphic and bloody, although brief and largely satisfying.
  • After reaching the Citadel, Furiosa removes the sheet covering Immortan Joe's body revealing that he is missing his entire lower jaw. The scene is really graphic but it lasts only for a second.
  • A soldier grabs one of his warlord's wives as she flees, and she falls under the wheels of a monster truck and four other wives cry and scream as they flee in a tanker; the warlord holds the limp body of his captured wife and the camera cuts to the inside of a monster truck where a man looks at the woman's swollen abdomen and he uses a large knife in close-up to split the woman's abdomen (below the screen) and we see gore and two baby feet (slime covers the man's mouth) before the man pulls up the bloody umbilical cord, cuts it and pronounces the baby boy dead.
  • A man stabs a woman warrior in the side and we see a lot of blood as she pulls the knife out and eventually collapses. A man stabs her other side to relieve pressure and to re-inflate a collapsed lung (no blood) and he inserts a large needle into his own arm and a large needle into her arm and gives her a transfusion (blood flows at each needle); the woman recovers with a swollen eye and many scratches over her face and arms.
  • Furiosa rips off Immortan Joe's face, and the scene is shot at a distance and not in the focus of the camera (easily skippable). The rest of the movie has mild blood and no gore.
  • Immortan Joe gets his face ripped off. It's brief and cuts away quick. If not for this sequence the film would probably be a PG-13.

See also

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