Paddington (2014)
Madeleine Harris: Judy Brown
Mary Brown : Oh, look, Henry. It's perfect!
[Paddington is holding a squeezy tomato ketchup bottle]
Henry Brown : You want to call him Ketchup?
Mary Brown : What?
Henry Brown : Ketchup The Bear?
[Mary is looking at the "Paddington" station sign]
Mary Brown : No. Paddington!
Judy Brown : Paddington?
Paddington : Paddington?... Pa... dding... ton.
Paddington : [after accidentally causing a fire] But it wasn't my fault.
Henry Brown : Who else was in the house? The front door was still locked.
Paddington : There was an elephant.
Judy Brown : An elephant?
Jonathan Brown : What?
Paddington : Well, it had the head of an elephant and the body of a snake, but it tried to shoot me!
Mrs. Bird : Have you been drinking salt water?
Paddington : No.
Mary Brown : Paddington, why don't you tell us what really happened?
Paddington : What?
Mary Brown : We won't be cross.
Henry Brown : Speak for yourself.
Paddington : Mrs. Brown, you must believe me. I would never lie to you.
Jonathan Brown : Where's Paddington?
Henry Brown : I don't know.
Judy Brown : Sh! I can hear something.
Henry Brown : [hearing noises from a nearby wall] That's just the pipes.
Judy Brown : That's not pipes, that's bear.
[she growls and, hearing her, Paddington growls in response]
Judy Brown : He's going for the roof.
Judy Brown : [trying to rescue Paddington] It's locked. What do we do now?
Henry Brown : I know.
Mary Brown : [he opens a window to the ledge outside] Henry! Henry, do not go out there!
Jonathan Brown : Do it, Dad.
Henry Brown : Someone has to. And that someone is me.
Henry Brown : Oh.
[he grabs her]
Henry Brown : Oh, I say!
[he gives her a dramatically passionate kiss]
Henry Brown : My hero.
Jonathan Brown : [Henry and Paddington retrieve an 8mm film from the Geographer's Guild] So you actually broke in, Dad?
Henry Brown : That's right.
Mary Brown : Well, it sounds incredibly brave, Henry.
Henry Brown : Well, you know, there's a time for being boring and annoying and there's a time for being a man.
Paddington : Mr. Brown dressed up as a lady and someone stuck pins in him.
Judy Brown : What?
Henry Brown : Oh, look, it's starting.
Mary Brown : Sorry. What was that?
Henry Brown : Doesn't matter.
Jonathan Brown : In a dress?
Henry Brown : No! Did look like a dress. It was more of a housecoat. It was quite liberating, actually.