The Forever Purge (2021)
Josh Lucas: Dylan Tucker
Dylan Tucker : [in disbelief] You Can't Fight Them By Yourself
Xavier : [ruefully shrugging] My People... We've Been Fighting Them For The Past Six Hundred Years
Elijah Hardin : Speak English! I will cut your throat! Speak-
[Juan grabs him in the neck with the rope and Dylan grabs his arm with the rope]
Dylan Tucker : I got him.
Juan : [cocks gun] Does this translate? Pendejo.
[Juan shoots Elijah in the head]
Dylan Tucker : I need to get to my wife. What are you looking for?
T.T. : We Mexicans leave signs all over a city to help each other.
Juan : Adela is following them. If we want to find our wives, we should do the same thing.
Elijah Hardin : Look what we got here. A couple of bad hombres.
Mother Hardin : Well, I'll be. There's two of us and two of them. That right there is what's wrong with this country. What do you want to do about 'em, Daddy?
Elijah Hardin : Why don't we give our fellow Americans here an opportunity to redeem themselves?
Mother Hardin : Yeah, I like the sound of that.
Elijah Hardin : Let me explain. You kill the brownies, and the two of you can live and stay here in this great God-loving country. Help us purify this nation once and for all. That's what the Ever After Purge is all about.
Dylan Tucker : Fuck you, redneck.
Cassidy Tucker : [after giving birth] It's a girl.
Dylan Tucker : It's a girl?
Cassidy Tucker : You wanna hold your daughter?
Dylan Tucker : Can I?
Cassidy Tucker : Please.
Juan : You don't like me, do you, Dylan? You don't like Mexicans.
Dylan Tucker : What are you talking about, Juan?
Juan : Come on. Be honest. Let's... how do you say this? Slice the shit.
Dylan Tucker : Cut the shit?
Juan : Cut the shit. Yeah.
Dylan Tucker : You wanna cut the shit with me?
Juan : I wanna cut the shit with you.
Dylan Tucker : All right, I'll cut the shit with you, Juan. I got no problem with Mexicans. But I will say I don't understand your culture just like you don't understand mine. God's honest truth, I don't think white people are any better or worse than anybody else. But this I do believe: we should all just stick with our own. Just leave each other alone.
Juan : You might be right. But we are together now.