78 of 198 found this moderate
In the beginning a man says "Upstairs, In Private" and she says " go pop in the tape." We hear sex noises. A little later a girl gets attacked by a little kid-like monster and she starts screaming. Then it shows a man wake up and look at the tv screen. We see a brief glimpse of porn.
During a scene with females around a campfire, some quick flashes of females ripping their tops off, exposing bare breasts, appear. Very quick but noticeable.
In a extended/deleted scene, two kids from the party house implied that the woman that gave them things in their bags were condoms and a sex toy.
A child looks through creaks in a door where teenage girls are dressing up for halloween. The girls stomachs are visible as well as cleavage since they are shown in bras.
A man runs his hands over the body of a woman and starts kissing her all over the body. Sexual intent is implied.
54 of 85 found this severe
We see a quick glimpse of a woman's throat being slit. The blanket she's in gets bloody. We then see her hung on a scarecrow perch while her dismembered arm is hanging from a tree dripping blood. CORRECTION: We dont see the throat being slit we only see someone put a popsicle on the girls throat not graphic at all. A man's arm is also ripped off.
In a particularly gross scene, a kid eats a poisoned candy and starts graphically vomiting a mixture of blood and chocolate. Very disgusting
A man throws a dead body into a hole in the ground. The body comes back alive and the man starts kicking it until it's dead.
A man chops off a person's finger and feeds it to a dog.
We see a man stab a knife on something offscreen and then we see a kid's decapitated head on a table. The head is bloody. It looks fake though not as bad as it sounds.
A man with vampire teeth bites a woman's neck. She starts bleeding.
A bus of kids is shown driving off a cliff and sinking into a pond. All the kids die. (offscreen)
Some kids are attacked by creatures offscreen, we can hear them screaming and being dismembered.
A man's leg is shown broken. The bone is sticking out of his skin.
Werewolves are seen eating a man, nothing graphic is shown.
46 of 74 found this moderate
A few curse words said by kids
One kid after seeing people at a drunk party says "What was going on?" and another kid says "A hotdog was buttfucking a pig. The scene shows nothing except for a girl twerking about a feet away from the hotdog. It shows pretty much from the waist up its in a far awatg shot though so dont worry.
A man says "You've gotta be fucking kidding me."
2 uses of "fuck", couple of "shit", "asshole" and other words.
Some mentally challenged are referred to as "retard".
59 of 72 found this mild
In the campfire/werewolf scene, some women are seen drinking beer.
Various drinking including alcohol being offered to little kids.
34 of 75 found this moderate
The movie shows violence towards kids.
Most scenes in the Violence and Gore section can be intense.
The finale with Sam in Brian Cox's character's house is suspenseful and rather intense.
Sam's face can be disturbing.