"The Brother" features John Christy Ewing as Brother Thomas Kelvin of the Order of Saint Dismas, searching for a missing novitiate (Gary Imhoff). The aspiring monk decided to steal a credit card and enjoy some of what he was planning to give up, especially a pretty blonde prostitute (Elise Caitlin). Inspector Luger shows up to bemoan the recent passing of an old comrade in a nursing home, and the last thing he spoke before he died (Barney: "what was that?" Luger: "who the hell knows Barney, you couldn't understand a word he said!"). Dietrich is assigned to mugging detail, but his outfit meets with no one's approval (Luger: "what the hell was that?"). Barney decides he needs to chat in his office (Dietrich: "sure, I'm just a girl who can't say no!"). Feeling inadequate, Dietrich laments that he didn't look as 'lovely' as Harris in mugging detail (Harris: "don't start comparing yourself with me, it'll just make you crazy!").