- Shawn Boswell: Why'd you let me race your car? You knew I was gonna wreck it.
- Han: Why not?
- Shawn Boswell: 'Cause that's a lot of money.
- Han: I have money, it's trust and character I need around me. You know, who you choose to be around you lets you know who you are. One car in exchange for knowing what a man's made of? That's a price I can live with.
- Shawn Boswell: [Shawn drives his Nissan Silvia S15 to the starting line next to a silver Plymouth Roadrunner] Nice ride.
- Dominic Toretto: I won it from our friend Han a few years ago.
- Shawn Boswell: I didn't know he was into American muscle.
- Dominic Toretto: He was when he was rollin' with me.
- Shawn Boswell: You know, this ain't no 10-second race.
- Dominic Toretto: I've got nothin' but time.
- Drift King: You know who I am, boy?
- Shawn Boswell: Yeah. You're like the Justin Timberlake of Japan, right?
- Shawn Boswell: [Shawn engages the nitrous in Han's RX-7 and zips past a Skyline. He suddenly notices a police car parked on the left side of the road. The cops clock him at 197 km/h. Shawn is surprised when he sees that the police car is not bothering to chase him] What the?
- Han: Police cars here are only factory tuned. If you can do better than 180K, they can't catch you. So they don't even try.
- Shawn Boswell: [Chuckles] You know what? I'm beginning to like this country already.
- Han: The Red Evo's yours
- Shawn Boswell: What do you mean?
- Han: You're representing me now. What you think, I'm gonna let you roll in a Hyundai?
- Kamata: There's an old saying: 'For want of a nail, the horseshoe was lost. For want of a horseshoe, the steed was lost. For want of a steed, the message was not delivered. For want of an undelivered message, the war was lost.'
- Neela: You know, I almost didn't recognize you without your slippers on.
- Shawn Boswell: Don't you mean uwabaki?
- Shawn Boswell: Drift?
- [Elevator doors open, two cars pass drifting right in front of the door]
- Twinkie: Still need a dictionary?
- Lieutenant Boswell: You know Shawn, the Japanese have a saying, "The nail that sticks out gets hammered."
- Han: There's no 'wax on wax off' with drifting. You learn by doing it. The first drifters invented drifting out here in the mountains by feeling it. So feel it.
- Shawn Boswell: So, how did you end up over here, anyway?
- Han: Well, you know those old Westerns where the cowboys make a run for the border? This is my Mexico.
- Shawn Boswell: Why'd you let me race with your car? You knew I was gonna wreck it.
- Han: Why not?
- Shawn Boswell: 'Cause it's a lot of money.
- Han: I have money. It's trust and character I need around me. You know, who you choose to be around you lets you know who you are. And one car in exchange for knowing what a man's made of, that's a price I can live with.
- Han: Look at all those people down there. They follow the rules, for what? They're letting fear lead them.
- Shawn Boswell: What happens if they don't?
- Han: Life's simple. You make choices and you don't look back.
- Shawn Boswell: [Talking about when he won his first race] The day I got my license is the day I got my first speeding ticket. Day after that I won my first race, I beat this rich kid by three lengths.I've gotta admit, it felt good! It felt like...
- Neela: Like everything else just disappears...
- Shawn Boswell: No past and no future...
- Neela: No problems. Just the moment...
- Cindy: [after Clay shatters the rear windshield of Shawn's Monte Carlo with a baseball, Shawn steps out of his car and has a stare down with Clay and his gang. As Clay's gang approaches Shawn, Shawn brandishes a wrench in his hand, and they stop] Why don't you nice boys let your cars do the talking?
- Shawn Boswell: I only race for pink slips.
- Clay: This car goes for 80 grand. What am I gonna do with a broken-ass piece of shit like that?
- [Crowd howls while Shawn smiles at Clay]
- Cindy: How about me?
- [Shawn and Clay stare at Cindy]
- Cindy: Winner gets... me.
- [Shawn smiles. Clay spits]
- Cindy: [as Shawn approaches his Monte Carlo at the high school parking lot, a red Viper is parked next to him. Sitting on the Viper is Cindy, who is polishing her toenails] Nice car.
- Shawn Boswell: It does the job.
- Cindy: Doing what? Delivering pizzas?
- Shawn Boswell: It's not the ride, it's the rider.
- Clay: [Clay sees Cindy talking to Shawn] You talking to my girl?
- Shawn Boswell: She was just admiring my ride.
- Clay: That? My grandma's Buick can smoke that piece of shit trailer trash !
- Shawn Boswell: What about your daddy's Viper?
- Clay: [Clay pauses, then chuckles] This beast's got 500-horsepower and a Borla exhaust system. It does 0-60 in what, 4.3 seconds?
- Shawn Boswell: Wow. You can read the brochure.
- [Shawn enters his Monte Carlo and drives off. Clay then throws a baseball at the Monte Carlo, shattering the rear window]
- Twinkie: [as Shawn drives around the carmaraderie at the parking lot, Twinkie throws a box of tissues on his lap] That's for when you blow your wad.
- Twinkie: You know that famous painting? The one with the woman smiling all the time?
- Shawn Boswell: The Mona Lisa?
- Twinkie: Right, right, right the Mona Lisa. Well look man, this car right here is like the Mona Lisa of the drift world. Han rebuilt this bad-boy from ground up. We talkin forged pistons, bigger turbo, new rise, new crankshaft. Hey man, Han's labour ain't cheap, you feel me?
- Shawn Boswell: Well if I needed a 30 second lesson on how to drift...
- Twinkie: All right look man there lots of ways you can do this all right. Handbraking is the easiest so the first thing I want you to do, I want you to rip that E-Brake all right. After you rip that E-Brake then I want you to power over.
- [Shawn looks puzzled about the power over]
- Twinkie: You know what, just don't mess up Mona all right?