Ever since the debut of Mortal Kombat, fighting games on just about every single console became the fad of the arcade....every single F'n TV show, cartoon, even movie, seemed to have one. so, if they were so good, why not give sonic the hedgehog, a 3-d style one to play in the arcade? Yeah, sure, whatever. No. Sonic the fighters (or Sonic Championship in the US) was just as bad as Virtua Fighter for the 32X, but unlike Sonic Championship, Virtua fighter was actually cool in the arcade. and thats why virtua fighter, and series like tekken (Both 3d games, that started the 3d fighting game genre) are still on the market, both in their 5th game in the series.
Sonic Championship is basically a fight and move on game. beat your opponent, move on. fight the next one. move on, all the way up to Metal sonic, and Dr. Robotnic (thats how his name is spelled in the game, which of course is mis-credit, and they didn't fix it for Sonic Gems collection for Gamecube) Quoting Screwattack, "You can beat the game by pressing only one button." genius. they also go on to quote "We can understand trying to cash in on a fad, but this is just ridiculous." Fortunately enough, this game stayed in the arcade for 10 years, until it was ported to the Gamecube console, unfortunately on Gems collection. but it really isn't a gem. Nintendo was basically just trying to cash in on Sega's horrid creations, and port them to Gamecube.
Well, at least Sonic CD was on the Cube.
4/10 - Try it if you want, but it does suck.