Directed by Kamal, this movie centers around Kunjunju (Prithviraj), Deepak Narayanan (Kunchacko Boban), and Ashtamoorthy (Jayasurya), who are in Pondicherry studying Hotel Management. Each of them are different in the way they look at life: Kunjunju is a flirt who makes a pass at every girl he meets; Deepu is a calm and cool guy who is never able to express his true feelings; and Ashtmoorthy is a funny person who doesn't take anything serious. When their friend, Abbas (Vijesh), finds them a suitable accommodation, they find they have to share a house where a mother (Kalaranjini) and her two daughters are staying. One can expect what happens when two teenage girls and three bachelors live together!
All three guys try to win the heart of Kamala (Meera Jasmine) who is a florist. Deepu buys flowers from her almost everyday and is madly in love with her, but does not express it. Ashtamoorthy makes a fool of him and ends up as her "rakhi" brother. Meanwhile Kunjunju who starts on the wrong foot with her finds himself bowled over by her charms. Who will Kamala choose? Watch and find out...