Angelic Layer, the story of a girl named Misaki Suzuhara and her adventures involving the widely popular Angelic Layer game, where special dolls come to life and fight one another. Along her way to the Finals she meets friends and rivals, hoping to see her mom that she's been out of contact with for seven years.
That's just the basics of what I consider to be my favorite Anime of all time. From a production standpoint it's fantastic; the animation ranges from great to simply amazing; the soundtrack is excellent and the character designs are a treat as well. Oh and the English voice acting is near perfect as well. I have to admit I was a little skeptical on some of the voices at first but after watching the whole show I love all the English actors and Jessica Boone is phenomenal as Misaki Suzuhara. The story is my favorite part though; it covers every possible feature you'd want a perfect story to have: comedy, fantasy, action, sci-fi, drama and a sense of innocence and amazement as you can truly connect with the amazing characters. You'll laugh, you'll be on the edge of your seat, you'll cry tears of sadness and joy as the story unfolds and you'll love every minute of it.
I honestly can't find a single thing wrong with Angelic Layer; it's that good. If you're looking for a fantastic show that features one of the best stories, some amazing fights and what I consider the best characters in Anime; then please give Angelic Layer a view. I promise you will not be disappointed.